Following is data collected from Offshore Buoy's within 50 mile radius of West Palm Beach, FL.

Station LKWF1 - 8722670 - LAKE WORTH PIER, FL
April 16, 2024 3:30 am EST
Location: 26.613N 80.034W or 15 nautical miles ESE of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Wind Direction: E (80°)
Wind Speed: 12 knots
Wind Gust: 14 knots
Atmospheric Pressure: 30.07 in (1018.3 mb)
Air Temperature: 74°F (23.4°C)
Water Temperature: 77°F (25.1°C)

Station PEGF1 - 8722956 - PORT EVERGLADES, FL
April 16, 2024 3:30 am EST
Location: 26.086N 80.116W or 40 nautical miles SSE of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Wind Direction: ENE (70°)
Wind Speed: 12 knots
Wind Gust: 17 knots
Atmospheric Pressure: 30.04 in (1017.2 mb)
Air Temperature: 75°F (23.8°C)

Station 41122 - HOLLYWOOD BEACH, FL (265)
April 16, 2024 3:26 am EST
Location: 26.001N 80.096W or 45 nautical miles SSE of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Significant Wave Height: 2 ft
Dominant Wave Period: 5 sec
Average Period: 3.5 sec
Mean Wave Direction: ENE (62°)
Water Temperature: 78°F (25.3°C)

April 16, 2024 08:00 UTC
Location: 26N 80.1W or 45 nautical miles SSE of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Atmospheric Pressure: 30.05 in (1017.5 mb)
Pressure Tendency: -0.04 in (-1.3 mb)
Air Temperature: 72°F (22.2°C)
Dew Point: 62°F (16.5°C)

April 16, 2024 08:00 UTC
Location: 27.5N 80W or 48 nautical miles NNE of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Atmospheric Pressure: 30.07 in (1018.3 mb)
Pressure Tendency: -0.04 in (-1.4 mb)
Air Temperature: 72°F (22.3°C)
Dew Point: 65°F (18.1°C)

Station 41114 - FORT PIERCE, FL (134)
April 16, 2024 3:26 am EST
Location: 27.552N 80.216W or 49 nautical miles N of search location of 26.74N 80.27W.
Significant Wave Height: 2 ft
Dominant Wave Period: 13 sec
Average Period: 5.0 sec
Mean Wave Direction: ENE (63°)
Water Temperature: 74°F (23.2°C)

Florida Offshore Weather receives it's data from the NOAA and includes wind, wave, and other marine data collected by the NOAA National Data Buoy Center (NDBC). The data are collected from NDBC moored buoys and from C-MAN (Coastal-Marine Automated Network) stations located on piers, offshore towers, lighthouses, and beaches. Parameters reported by both buoys and C-MAN stations include air temperature and pressure, wind speed and direction, wind gust, and sea surface temperature.