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Abbreviation | Description |
@TEOTD | At the end of the day |
143 | I love you |
2G2BT | Too good to be true |
404 | I don't know |
4EAE | Forever and ever |
A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyplace |
AAF | As a matter of fact |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard |
AAMOI | As a matter of interest |
AAP | Always a pleasure |
AAR | At any rate |
AAS | Alive and smiling |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ADD | Address |
ADN | Any day now |
ADR | Address |
AEAP | As early as possible |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes |
AIGHT | Alright |
AISB | As it should be |
AKA | Also known as |
ALCON | All concerned |
AML | All my love |
AOTA | All of the above |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
ASL | Age/sex/location |
AT | At your terminal |
ATM | At the moment |
AWOL | Away without leaving |
AYEC | At your earliest convenience |
AYOR | At your own risk |
AYSOS | Are you stupid or something |
AYTMTB | And you're telling me this because |
B/F | Boyfriend |
B4 | Before |
B4N | Bye for now |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
BAU | Business as usual |
BB | Be back |
BBIAF | Be back in a few |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute |
BBIAS | Be back in a sec |
BBL | Be back later |
BBQ | Be back quickly |
BBS | Be back soon |
BBT | Be back tomorrow |
BC | Because |
BCNU | Be seein' you |
BCOS | Because |
BF | Best friend |
BDN | Big damn number |
BFN | Bye for now |
BG | Big grin |
BGWM | Be gentle with me |
BFG | Big f***ing grin |
BIOYN | Blow it out your nose |
BLNT | Better luck next time |
BM&Y | Between me and you |
BOL | Best of luck |
BPLM | Big person little mind |
BRB | Be right back |
BRT | Be right there |
BTA | But then again |
BTDT | Been there, done that |
BTW | By the way |
BYOB | Bring Your Own Bottle |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong |
CMON | Come on |
COB | Close of business |
COS | Because |
C/P | Cross post |
CR8 | Create |
CRB | Come right back |
CRBT | Crying really big tears |
CU | See you |
CUA | See you around |
CUL | See you later |
CUL8R | See you later |
CWYL | Chat with you later |
CYA | See ya |
CYO | See you online |
D/L | Download |
DL | Download |
DEGT | Don't even go there |
DIKU | Do I know you? |
DQMOT | Don't quote me on this |
DTS | Don't think so |
DV8 | Deviate |
EBKAC | Error between keyboard and chair |
EF4T | Effort |
EG | Evil grin |
EMA | E-mail address |
EMFBI | Excuse me for butting in |
EMSG | E-mail message |
ENUF | Enough |
EOD | End of day |
EOM | End of message |
EVA | Ever |
EZY | Easy |
F2F | Face to face |
F2T | Free to talk |
FBM | Fine by me |
FC | Fingers crossed |
FICCL | Frankly I couldn't care a less |
FISH | First in, still here |
FOMCL | Falling off my chair laughing |
FITB | Fill in the blank |
FRT | For real though |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FYEO | For your eyes only |
FYI | For your information |
G | Grin |
G/F | Girlfriend |
G2CU | Good to see you |
G2G | Got to go |
G2R | Got to run |
G9 | Genius |
GA | Go ahead |
GAL | Get a life |
GB | Goodbye |
GBU | God bless you |
GDR | Grinning, ducking, and running |
GD/R | Grinning, ducking, and running |
GFI | Go for it |
GG | Gotta Go or Good Game |
GIAR | Give it a rest |
GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out |
GL | Good luck |
GL/HF | Good luck, have fun |
GLNG | Good luck next game |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
GOI | Get over it |
GOL | Giggling out loud |
GR8 | Great |
GR&D | Grinning, running and ducking |
GT | Good try |
GTG | Got to go |
GTRM | Going to read mail |
H&K | Hugs & kisses |
H2CUS | Hope to see you soon |
H8 | Hate |
HAGN | Have a good night |
HAGO | Have a good one |
HAND | Have a nice day |
HF | Have fun |
HHIS | Head hanging in shame |
HOAS | Hold on a second |
HRU | How are you? |
HTH | Hope this helps |
HV | Have |
IAC | In any case |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer |
IB | I'm back |
IB | I'm back |
IC | I see |
ICBW | It could be worse |
IDK | I don't know |
IDTS | I don't think so |
IDUNNO | I don't know |
IG2R | I got to run |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
ILBL8 | I'll be late |
ILU | I love you |
ILY | I love you |
IM | Instant message |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion |
IMO | In my opinion |
IMS | I am sorry |
INAL | I'm not a lawyer |
IOW | In other words |
IRL | In real life |
IRMC | I rest my case |
IUSS | If you say so |
IYKWIM | If you know what I mean |
IYO | In your opinion |
IYSS | If you say so |
j00r | Your |
JAC | Just a sec |
JIC | Just in case |
JJA | Just joking around |
JK | Just kidding |
JMO | Just my opinion |
JP | Just playing |
K8T | Katie |
k/b | Keyboard |
KB | Keyboard |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KOC | Kiss on cheek |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek |
KOTL | Kiss on the lips |
KNIM | Know what I mean? |
l33t | Leet, meaning "elite" |
L8R | Later |
LD | Later, dude / Long distance |
LERK | leaving easy reach of keyboard |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
LOL | Laughing out loud / Lot's of Love |
LTM | Laugh to myself |
LTNS | Long time no see |
LYLAS | Love you like a sis |
M8 | Mate |
MFI | Mad for it |
MorF | Male or female? |
MoS | Mother over shoulder |
MSG | Message |
MTF | More to follow |
MTFBWU | May the force be with you |
MUSM | Miss you so much |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
n00b | Newbie |
N1 | Nice one |
NBD | No big deal |
NE | Any |
NE1 | Anyone |
NFM | None for me / Not for me |
NIMBY | Not in my back yard |
NLT | No later than |
NM | Nothing much / Never mind |
NMH | Not much here |
NO1 | No one |
NOYB | None of your business |
NP | No problem |
NRN | No response/reply necessary |
NVM | Never mind |
NW | No way |
NW) | No way out |
OIC | Oh, I see |
OMG | Oh my God |
OMW | On my way |
OO | Over and out |
OOH | Out of here |
OOTD | One of these days |
OP | On phone |
OTB | Off to bed |
OTL | Out to lunch |
OTOH | On the other hand |
OTT | Over the top |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head |
OTW | Off to work |
OVA | Over |
PCM | Please call me |
PDQ | Pretty darn quick |
PLMK | Please let me know |
PLS | Please |
PLZ | Please |
PM | Private Message |
PMO | Piss(ed) Me Off |
PMFI | Pardon me for interrupting |
PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in |
POAHF | Put on a happy face |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
PPL | People |
PROLLY | Probably |
PRT | Party |
PRW | People/parents are watching |
PTL | Praise the Lord |
PTMM | Please tell me more |
PXT | Please explain that |
PU | That stinks! |
Q | Queue |
QIK | Quick |
QT | Cutie |
RL | Real life |
RP | Role play |
RME | Rolling my eyes |
ROFL | Rolling on floor laughing |
RPMO | Really Pissed Me Off |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFLUTS | Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak |
RSN | Real soon now |
RTFM | Read the f***ing manual |
RUOK | Are you okay? |
SAL | Such a laugh |
SC | Stay cool |
SETE | Smiling Ear-to-Ear |
SICNR | Sorry, I could not resist |
SIG2R | Sorry, I got to run |
SIS | Snickering in silence |
SIT | Stay in touch |
SLAP | Sounds like a plan |
SMHID | Scratching my head in disbelief |
SNAFU | Situation normal all fouled up |
SO | Significant other |
SOL | Sooner or later |
SOMY | Sick of me yet? |
SOTMG | Short of time, must go |
SPK | Speak |
SPST | Same place, same time |
SRY | Sorry |
SS | So sorry |
SSDD | Same stuff, different day |
SSINF | So stupid it's not funny |
STR8 | Straight |
STW | Search the Web |
SUITM | See you in the morning |
SUL | See you later |
SUP | What's up? |
SYL | See you later |
T+ | Think positive |
TA | Thanks a lot |
TAFN | That's all for now |
TAM | Tomorrow a.m. |
TBC | To be continued |
TBD | To be determined |
TBH | To be honest |
TC | Take care |
TGIF | Thank God it's Friday |
THX | Thanks |
THNX | Thanks |
THNQ | Thank-you |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
TIAD | Tomorrow is another day |
TLK2UL8R | Talk to you later |
TMB | Text me back |
TMI | Too much information |
TMOT | Trust me on this |
TMWFI | Take my word for it |
TNSTAAFL | There's no such thing as a free lunch |
TPM | Tomorrow p.m. |
TPTB | The powers that be |
TSTB | The sooner, the better |
TTFN | Ta ta for now |
TTTT | These things take time |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TTYS | Talk to you soon |
TU | Thank you |
TY | Thank you |
TYT | Take your time |
TYVM | Thank you very much |
UCMU | You crack me up |
UGTBK | You've got to be kidding |
UKTR | You know that's right |
UL | Upload |
UR | Your / You're |
UV | Unpleasant visual |
UW | You're welcome |
VEG | Very evil grin |
VFM | Value for money |
VGC | Very good condition |
VIP | Very important person |
VM | Voice mail |
VSF | Very sad face |
WAM | Wait a minute |
WAN2TLK | Want to talk |
WAYF | Where are you from? |
W/B | Write back |
WB | Welcome back |
WC | Who cares |
WCA | Who cares anyway |
WIBNI | Wouldn't it be nice if |
WDALYIC | Who died and left you in charge |
WDYK | What do you know |
WIIFM | What's in it for me? |
WISP | Winning is so pleasurable |
WITW | What in the world |
WIU | Wrap it up |
WK | Week |
WKD | Weekend |
WRT | With regard to |
WOMBAT | Waste of money, brains and time |
WRK | Work |
WRUD | What are you doing? |
WTB | Wanted to buy |
WTF | What the f**k |
WTG | Way to go |
WTH | What the heck? or What the hell? |
WU? | What's up? |
WUCIWUG | What you see is what you get |
WUF? | Where you from? |
WWJD | What would Jesus do? |
WWYC | Write when you can |
WYLEI | When you least expect it |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get |
X | Kiss |
XLNT | Excellent |
YA | Your |
YBS | You'll be sorry |
YCMU | You crack me up |
YGBKM | You've got to be kidding me |
YKWYCD | You know what you can do |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary |
YR | Your |
YR | Yeah right |
YRYOCC | You're running your own cookoo clock |
YSYD | Yeah sure you do |
YW | You're welcome |
ZZZZ | Sleeping (or bored) | Abbreviation | Description |