This is by far the best "searchable" file extension database on the internet today. It is not only a great seach tool, but also a progressive Web App that can be installed onto your desktop or mobile device.
This is a collection of over 3000 File Extensions known today.
Simply type in either the file extension such as .odt or the complete description search criteria. e.g. (.odt) or "open document". If you do not see a file extension listed in our database , please send us a not an will have it added promptly! Thank you!
File Extension | Description |
0 | Image Data Recovery file |
0.001 | Norton Ghost Span file |
0.075 | 75×75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) |
0.085 | 85×85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) |
0.091 | 91×91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) |
0.096 | 96×96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher) |
0.1 | Inno Setup Binary file |
0.1 | IBM Voice Type Script file |
0.113 | Iomega Backup file |
0.123 | Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet file |
0.2 | Setup Factory 6.0 setup launcher |
0.264 | Ripped Video Data file |
0.301 | Fax (Super FAX 2000 – Fax-Mail 96) |
0.386 | Intel 80386 processor driver (Windows 3.x) |
0.411 | Sony Mavica Data file |
0.669 | Music (8 channels) (The 669 Composer) |
0.777 | 7-Zip compressed file archive |
0.8 | A86 assembler source code file |
.__a | File Splitter & Joiner Encrypted file |
.__b | File Splitter & Joiner Encrypted Archive file |
._dd | Norton Disk Doctor Recovered file |
._eml | Windows Live Mail Email file |
._nws | Windows Live Mail Newsgroup Copy file |
._p | Malicious Software Removal Tool Temporary file |
.!bt | BitTorrent Incomplete Download file |
.!qb | qBittorrent Partial Download file |
.!ut | uTorrent Incomplete Download file |
.{pb | Corel WordPerfect Document Index file |
.#24 | Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript) |
.#ib | Printer data file (LocoScript) |
.#sc | Printer data file (LocoScript) |
.#st | Standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript) |
.^^^ | Pervasive.SQL Database file |
.~$~ | Temporary file (1st Reader) |
.~ap | Old AppExpert project database (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.~de | Project backup (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.~hm | HostMonitor TestList Backup file |
.~mn | Menu backup (Norton Commander) |
.$#! | Cryptext |
.$$$ | Temporary file |
.$00 | Pipe file (DOS) |
.$01 | Pipe file (DOS) |
.$db | Temporary file (dBASE IV) |
.$ed | Editor temporary file (MS C) |
.$er | GroupWise Database |
.$o1 | Pipe file (DOS) |
.$vm | Virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x) |
.0b | Printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker) |
.0xe | F-Secure Renamed Virus file |
.15u | Printer font with PI font set (PageMaker) |
.1pe | TurboTax Form file |
.1ph | TurboTax file |
.1st | Usually README.1ST text |
.201$201 | Temporary file (1st Reader) |
.2d | 2d Drawings (VersaCad) |
.2da | 2 Dimensional Data Array file |
.2dl | 2d Libraries (VersaCad) |
.3d | 3d Drawings (VersaCad) |
.3da | 3D Assembly file |
.3dd | ArcGlobe Document file |
.3dl | 3d Libraries (VersaCad) |
.3dr | 3DMark Benchmark file |
.3ds | Graphics (3D Studio) |
.3dt | Database for 3D mind map / concept map (3D Topicscape) |
.3dv | 3D VRML World |
.3fx | Effect (CorelChart) |
.3g2 | 3GPP2 file format |
.3gp | 3GPP Multimedia file |
.3gr | Data file (Windows Video Grabber) |
.3ko | NGRAIN Mobilizer |
.3me | TurboTax Form file |
.3mm | 3D Movie Maker Movie Project |
.3pe | TurboTax 2008 Form file |
.3t4 | Binary file converter to ASCII (Util3) |
.4c$ | Datafile (4Cast/2) |
.4dv | 4D View Ultrasound file |
.4mp | 4-MP3 Database file |
.4sw | 4dos Swap File |
.4th | Forth source code file (ForthCMP – LMI Forth) |
.5cr | Preconfigured drivers for System 5cr and System 5cr Plus |
.6cm | Music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker) |
.7z | 7-Zip archiving format |
.8b? | Adobe Photoshop Plugin file |
.8ba | Adobe Photoshop Plugin file |
.8bf | Adobe Photoshop Plugin file |
.8bi | Adobe Photoshop Plugin file |
.8cm | Music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker) |
.8li | Photoshop Scripting Plug-in |
.8m | Printer font with Math 8 extended character set (PageMaker) |
.8pbs | Adobe Photoshop Macintosh file |
.8u | Printer font with Roman 8 extended character set (PageMaker) |
.a | Ada source code file |
.a0? | ALZip Split Archive file |
.a11 | Graphics AIIM image file |
.a2b | A2B Player Playlist |
.a3d | Amapi 3D Modeling file |
.a3m | Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file |
.a3w | Unpackaged Authorware Windows file |
.a4a | Authorware 4.x Library |
.a4m | Unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file |
.a4p | Authorware file packaged without runtime |
.a4w | Unpackaged Authorware Windows file |
.a5w | Unpackaged Authorware Windows file |
.aa | Audible Audio file |
.aab | Macromedia Authorware Binary |
.aac | Advanced Audio Coding MPEG-2, MPEG-4 |
.aam | Authorware shocked file |
.aax | Audible Audiobook file |
.ab2 | Parson’s Address Book |
.ab6 | Datafile (ABStat) |
.ab8 | Datafile (ABStat) |
.aba | Palm Address Book file |
.abc | ActionScript Byte Code File |
.abd | AmBiz Bonus Calculator data file |
.abf | Adobe Binary Font |
.abi | ABI CODER Encryption software |
.abk | Automatic backup file (CorelDRAW) |
.abm | ImagePals Photo Album Document |
.abr | Adobe Photoshop brush file |
.abs | Abstracts (info file) |
.abw | AbiWord document |
.abx | WordPerfect Address Book file |
.aby | AOL file (located in AOL program directory) |
.ac3 | AC3 Audio File Format |
.aca | Microsoft Agent Character file |
.acb | Graphics (ACMB) |
.acc | Program (DR-DOS – ViewMax) (GEM / resident) |
.acd | Sonic Foundry Acid music file |
.ace | Ace Archiver / WinAce compressed file |
.acf | Microsoft Agent Character file |
.aci | ACI Development Appraisal |
.acl | Microsoft Office Auto Correction file |
.acm | Audio Compression Manager Driver |
.acorn | ACORN Graphics format |
.acs | MS Agent Character file |
.acs2 | AIMP2 Media Player Skin file |
.acsm | Adobe Content Server Message file |
.act | Actor source code file |
.acv | OS/2 Audio Drivers |
.ad | Screen saver data (AfterDark) |
.ada | Ada source code file |
.adb | Ada Package Body |
.adc | Bitmap graphics (16 colors) (Scanstudio) |
.ade | Microsoft Access Project |
.adf | Adapter Description file |
.adi | Graphics (AutoCAD) |
.adl | Mca adapter description library (QEMM) |
.adm | After Dark Screen Saver Module |
.adn | Add-in (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.ado | Photoshop Duotone Options |
.adp | FaxWorks Modem setup file |
.adr | Address Book |
.ads | Ada Package Specification |
.adt | Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave) |
.adx | Document (Archetype Designer) |
.adz | GZ-Packed Amiga Disk file |
.aeh | iPer Advanced Embedded Hypertext |
.aep | Adobe After Effects Project file |
.aex | PGP Armored Extracted Public Encryption Key |
.af2 | Flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 2.0) |
.aff | AnyForm Form file |
.afi | Truevision bitmap graphics |
.afl | Font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.afm | Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM – many) |
.afs | Adobe Type Manager font set |
.aft | AnyForm template file |
.ag | Applixware graphics file |
.agp | Aspen Graphics Pages |
.agw | Aspen Graphics Windows |
.ai | Vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator) |
.aiff | Audio interchange file format |
.ain | Compressed file archive created by AIN |
.aio | APL file transfer format file |
.air | Adobe AIR Installation Package file |
.ais | Array of Intensity Samples graphics (Xerox) |
.aix | Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave) |
.ajp | JPEG2000 Digital closed-circuit television (CCTV) security camera video format |
.alb | JASC Image Commander Album |
.albm | webAlbum Photo Album |
.all | Format file for working pages (Always) |
.als | Alias Image |
.alt | Menu file (WordPerfect Library) |
.alx | ActiveX Layout file |
.alz | ALZip Compressed file |
.amf | Music (Advanced Module Format) |
.amff | Amiga Metafile |
.amg | Compressed file archive created by AMGC |
.amp | Photoshop Arbitrary Map Settings |
.amr | Adaptive Multi-Rate ACELP Codec |
.amv | AMV Video file |
.amx | After Effects Motion Exchange file |
.anc | Animation file format (MorphInk) |
.ani | Animation (Presidio – many) |
.anm | Animation (Deluxe Paint Animator) |
.ann | Help Annotations (Windows 3.x) |
.ans | Ansi graphics (character animation) |
.aos | Add-On Software (Nokia 9000) |
.ap | Compressed Amiga file archive created by WHAP |
.apc | Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.apd | Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.ape | Music format (different players) |
.apf | Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.api | Adobe Acrobat Plugin file |
.apk | Android Package file |
.apl | APL work space format file |
.apm | ArcPad 6 file |
.app | Add-in application file (Symphony) |
.apr | Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser) |
.aps | MS Visual C++ file |
.apx | Appexpert database file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.arc | Compressed file archive created by ARC (arc602.exe/pk361.exe) |
.arf | Automatic Response file |
.arg | AutoCAD Profile Export file |
.ari | Compressed file archive created by ARI |
.arj | Compressed file archive created by ARJ (arj241.exe) |
.ark | Arc file archive created by CP/M port of ARC file archiver |
.arl | AOL Organizer File |
.arr | Arrangement (Atari Cubase) |
.ars | Adobe After Effects Render |
.art | Graphics (scrapbook) (Art Import) |
.arv | Arsiv File |
.arx | Compressed file archive created by ARX |
.asa | MS Visual InterDev file |
.asc | Ascii text file |
.ascx | Microsoft ASP.NET user control file |
.asd | Autosave file (Word for Windows) |
.asf | Datafile (STATGRAPHICS) |
.ash | Assembly language header file (TASM 3.0) |
.asi | Assembler include file (Turbo C – Borland C++) |
.asl | Adobe Photoshop Layer file |
.asm | Assembly source code file |
.asmx | Microsoft .NET Web Service file |
.aso | Assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler) |
.asp | Microsoft Active Server Page |
.aspx | Microsoft ASP.NET file |
.asr | Ms Automap Route |
.asx | Microsoft Windows Media Active Stream Redirector file |
.asx | Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format |
.at2 | Auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0) |
.atm | Adobe Type Manager data/info |
.atn | Adobe Photoshop Action file |
.atr | Lightscape Material Library |
.att | AT&T Group 4 Bitmap |
.aty | 3D Topicscape (Exported association type) |
.au | Sound (audio) file (SUN Microsystems) |
.au3 | Autoit3 script file |
.aud | Audio file |
.aut | AutoIt Script |
.aux | Auxillary references (TeX/LaTeX) |
.ava | Publication (Avagio) |
.avb | Inoculan Anti-Virus virus infected file |
.avd | Avery Label Pro Data file |
.avi | Audio Video Interleaved animation file (Video for Windows) |
.avr | Audio Visual Research file |
.avs | Animation file |
.avx | ArcView file |
.aw | Text file (HP AdvanceWrite) |
.awb | Lavasoft Ad-aware backup file |
.awd | AWD MS Fax |
.awe | Adobe Acrobat Bookmark XML file |
.awk | Awk script/program |
.awm | Movie (Animation Works) |
.awp | Microsoft Fax key viewer |
.awr | Telsis Digital Audio file |
.aws | Data (STATGRAPHICS) |
.ax | DirectShow Filter |
.axd | Avery Label Pro Re-Index file |
.axe | Paradigm C++ Integrated Debugger file |
.axg | MS Autoroute Trip file |
.axl | ArcIMS XML Project file |
.axs | AMX Axcess control system file format |
.axt | ZenWorks snAPPshot ASCII Application Object template |
.axx | axxess files used as backups of Inter-Tel databases |
.azw | Amazon Kindle eBook File |
.azz | AZZ Cardfile |
.b | Batch list (APPLAUSE) |
.b_w | Black and white graphics (atari – mac) |
.b&w | Black and white graphics (atari – mac) |
.b~k | backup file |
.b00 | CD Image Segment file |
.b16 | PCO Graphic file |
.b1n | Both mono and color binary screen image (1st Reader) |
.b1s | Booksmith |
.b30 | Printer font (JLaser – Cordata) (Ventura Publisher) |
.b3d | 3D Builder file |
.b5i | Blindwrite 5 Disk Image file |
.b5t | Blindwrite 5 Image Information file |
.b6i | Blindwrite 6 Disk Image file |
.b6t | Blindwrite 6 Image Information file |
.b8 | Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab) |
.backup | Ad-Aware Reference file |
.bad | Bad file (Oracle) |
.bag | PMMail Mail Index file |
.bak | Backup file |
.bal | Music score (Ballade) |
.ban | Sierra Print Artist Banner |
.bar | Horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator) |
.bas | Basic source code file |
.bat | Batch file (DOS) |
.bb | Database backup (Papyrus) |
.bba | Settler IV Archive file |
.bbl | Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX) |
.bbm | Brush (Deluxe Paint) |
.bbs | Bulletin Board System announce or text info file |
.bc! | Bitcomet Incompleted Download file |
.bcf | ConfigSafe Snapshot index |
.bch | Batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator) |
.bck | Backup |
.bcm | MS Works Communications file |
.bcn | Business Card Pro Design |
.bco | Outline font description (Bitstream) |
.bcp | Borland C++ makefile |
.bct | Business Card Designer template |
.bcw | Environment settings (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.bde | Borland Database Engine |
.bdf | Bitmap Distribution Format font file (X11) |
.bdm | AVCHD Index file |
.bdmv | Blu-ray information file |
.bdr | Border (MS Publisher) |
.bez | Outline font description (Bitstream) |
.bf2 | Bradford 2 font |
.bff | Binary file format |
.bfm | Font metrics (unix/Frame) |
.bfs | Tivoli Storage Manager file |
.bfx | Fax (BitFax) |
.bga | Bitmap graphics |
.bgi | Borland Graphics Interface device driver |
.bgl | Flight Simulator scenery file |
.bgt | Quicken 2002 Internet Common File |
.bgt | Quicken 2002 Internet Common File |
.bib | Bibliography (ASCII) |
.bic | Civilization III Scenario |
.bid | BidMaker 2002 file |
.bif | Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board) |
.bik | BioCharter Profile backup file |
.bin | Binary file |
.bio | OS/2 BIOS |
.bip | Free-motion capture files for character studio biped |
.bit | Bitmap Image |
.bk | Faxbook (JetFax) |
.bk! | Document backup (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk1 | Timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk2 | Timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk3 | Timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk4 | Timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk5 | Timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk6 | Timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk7 | Timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk8 | Timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bk9 | Timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bkf | Microsoft Backup file |
.bkg | Background file |
.bkp | Backup file (Write – TurboVidion DialogDesigner) |
.bkw | Mirror image of font set (FontEdit) |
.blb | DreamWorks Resource Archive |
.bld | Bloadable picture (BASIC) |
.blend | Blender 3D file |
.blf | Windows Registry Recovery file |
.blg | Binary Performance Log File |
.blk | Temporary file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.blob | Steam Archive file |
.blt | Saved AIM Buddy List file |
.bm | Bitmap graphics |
.bmf | Corel Image file |
.bmi | 3ds max Executable |
.bmk | Help Bookmarks (Windows 3.x) |
.bmp | Bitmap graphics (PC Paintbrush – many) |
.bmx | Buzz music file |
.bnd | Typequick file |
.bndl | Bundle file |
.bnk | Adlib instrument bank file |
.bob | BobDown Downloading Program |
.bom | MicroSim PCBoard Bill of Materials |
.boo | Compressed file ASCII archive created by BOO (msbooasm.arc) |
.book | Adobe FrameMaker Book |
.bot | Linkbot file |
.box | Myriad Jukebox file |
.bpc | Chart (Business Plan Toolkit) |
.bpl | Delphi Library |
.bpt | Bitmap fills file (CorelDRAW) |
.bqy | BrioQuery file |
.br | Script (Bridge) |
.brd | Eagle Layout file |
.brf | Braille ASCII file |
.brk | Fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail) |
.brn | BornoSoft Bangla2000 (a Bengali word processor) File extension |
.bro | Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator file |
.brp | Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator image |
.brt | Micrografx Picture Publisher file |
.brx | Multimedia browsing index |
.bsa | Compressed file archive created by BSARC |
.bsb | MapInfo Sea Chart |
.bsc | Compressed Apple II file archive created by BINSCII |
.bsdl | Boundary Scan Description Language |
.bsl | BSPlayer Configuration file |
.bsp | Half-life/TFC/CS Map |
.bst | BibTeX Style file |
.bsv | Bluespec System Verilog file |
.bt! | BitTorrent Partial Download file |
.btm | Batch To Memory batch file (4DOS) |
.btn | Buttonware file |
.bto | Baytex Organix! 2001 Language Kit |
.btr | Btrieve Database file |
.btx | DB/TextWorks Database Term & Indexes |
.bud | Quicken Backup |
.bug | Bugs and Problems |
.bun | Bundled Audio files |
.bup | DVD Backup file |
.but | Button definitions (Buttons!) |
.buy | Datafile format (movie) |
.bv1 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv2 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv3 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv4 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv5 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv6 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv7 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv8 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bv9 | Overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.bwa | BlindWrite Disk Image Information file |
.bwb | Spreadsheet application (Visual Baler) |
.bwi | Blindread/Blindwrite |
.bwr | Beware (buglist) (Kermit) |
.bws | Blindwrite Sub Channel Data File |
.bwt | Blindread/Blindwrite |
.bxx | blaxxun Contact |
.bz2 | Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed file |
.c | C source code file |
.c– | Source code (Sphinx C–) |
.c++ | C++ source code file |
.c00 | Print file (Ventura Publisher) |
.c01 | Genesis 2000 |
.c2d | WinOnCD CD Image |
.c4d | MAXON Cinema 4D File (Graphics) |
.c60 | Midtronics Battery Management Software |
.c86 | C source code file (Computer Innovation C86) |
.ca | Initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet) |
.cab | Cabinet File (Microsoft installation archive) |
.cac | dBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat) |
.cache | Cache file (typically Web cache) |
.cad | Softdesk Drafix CAD File |
.cad | Document (Drafix Windows CAD) |
.cag | MS Clip Gallery Catalog file |
.cal | Calendar file (Windows 3.x) |
.calb | Coolect Album file (Coolect Album Player) |
.cam | Casio Camera Graphic |
.can | Fax (Navigator Fax) |
.cap | Caption (Ventura Publisher) |
.car | AtHome Assistant file |
.cas | Comma-delimited ASCII File |
.cat | Catalog (dBASE IV) |
.cb | Clean Boot File (Microsoft) |
.cbc | Fuzzy logic system (CubiCalc) |
.cbf | Calendar Builder file |
.cbl | Cobol source code file |
.cbm | Compiled bitmap graphics (XLib) |
.cbp | CentralBuilder Project |
.cbr | ComicBook Reader File archive (CDisplay image viewer) |
.cbt | Computer Based Training (many) |
.cbz | ComicBook Reader File archive (CDisplay image viewer) |
.cc | C++ source code file |
.cca | CC:Mail archive file |
.ccb | Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration |
.ccc | Bitmap graphics (native format) (Curtain Call) |
.ccd | CloneCD Related file |
.cce | Calendar Creator 2 Event file |
.ccf | Communications configuration file (Symphony) |
.cch | Chart (CorelChart) |
.ccl | Communication Command Language file (Intalk) |
.cco | Btx Graphics file (XBTX) |
.cct | Macromedia Director Shockwave file |
.ccx | Corel PrintHouse file |
.cda | CD Audio Track |
.cdb | Card database (CardScan) |
.cdd | ConceptDraw Document file |
.cde | Honeywell Hybrid Control Designer |
.cdf | Component Definition file |
.cdg | Compact Disc Plus Graphics file |
.cdi | Phillips Compact Disk Interactive format |
.cdk | Document (Atari Calamus) |
.cdl | CaseWare Working Papers Document Link |
.cdm | Media Maker Disk Image file |
.cdp | Visual Objects Developer file |
.cdr | Vector graphics (CorelDRAW native format) |
.cdt | Data (CorelDraw 4.0) |
.cdx | CorelDraw Compressed Image file |
.ce | Main.ce (The FarSide Computer Calendar) |
.ceb | Apabi eBook file |
.ceg | Bitmap graphics (Tempra Show – Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics) |
.cel | Graphics (Autodesk Animator – Lumena) |
.cf | Sendmail Configuration file |
.cfb | Comptons multimedia file |
.cfc | Macromedia Coldfusion component extension |
.cfg | Configuration |
.cfl | Chart (CorelFLOW) |
.cfm | ColdFusion Markup Language (Allaire / Adobe / Lucee) |
.cfml | ColdFusion Markup Language (Allaire / Adobe / Lucee) |
.cfn | Font data (Atari Calamus) |
.cfo | C Form Object internal format object file (TCU Turbo C Utilities) |
.cfp | Quicken Cash Flow Projection file |
.cfr | Crossfire Replay file |
.cga | CGA display font (Ventura Publisher) |
.cgd | Cricket Graph Data file |
.cge | CCD Astrocamera |
.cgi | Common Gateway Interface script |
.cgm | Computer Graphics Metafile vector graphics (A&L – HG – many) |
.ch | Header file (Clipper 5) |
.ch3 | Chart (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.ch4 | Presentation (Charisma 4.0) |
.chd | Font descriptor (FontChameleon) |
.chi | Document (ChiWriter) |
.chk | Recovered data (ChkDsk) |
.chl | Configuration History Log |
.chm | Compiled HTML |
.chn | Data (Ethnograph 3) |
.cho | ChordPro file |
.chp | Chapter file (Ventura Publisher) |
.chr | Character set (Turbo C – Turbo Pascal) |
.cht | Chart (Harvard Graphics 2.0 – SoftCraft Presenter) |
.chw | Compiled Help Index file |
.cid | AnalogX Caller ID file |
.cif | Caltech Intermediate Format graphics |
.ciff | Canon CIFF |
.cil | Clip Gallery Download Package |
.cit | Intergraph Raster File Reference |
.cix | Database index (TCU Turbo C Utilities) |
.ckb | Keyboard mapping (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.cl | Common LISP source code file |
.cl3 | Easy CD Creator Layout file |
.cl4 | Easy CD Creator Layout file |
.cl5 | Easy CD Creator Layout file |
.class | Java class file |
.clb | ICQ Contact List |
.clg | Windows Catalog file |
.cli | Client Management System Customer file |
.clm | COLIMO file |
.clp | Clip art graphics (Quattro Pro) |
.clpi | Blue-ray Disc Clip Information file |
.clr | Color binary screen image (1st Reader) |
.cls | C++ class definition file |
.cm | Data file (CraftMan) |
.cmd | Batch file (OS/2) |
.cmf | FM-music file (Creative Music File) |
.cmg | CMG file |
.cmk | Card (Card Shop Plus) |
.cml | COMAL programming language |
.cmm | Cmm script (batch) file (CEnvi) |
.cmo | Virtools Composition file |
.cmp | Header file for PostScript printer files (CorelDRAW) |
.cmq | Culturemetrics file |
.cms | TrialDirector media storage |
.cmt | Culturemetrics file |
.cmv | Animation (CorelMove CorelDraw 4.0) |
.cmx | Corel PhotoPaint Image |
.cnc | CNC general program data |
.cnd | ControlDraw file |
.cnf | Configuration (program – printer setup) |
.cnt | Helpfile contents |
.cnv | Data conversion support file (Word for Windows) |
.cob | Cobol source code file |
.cod | Datafile (Forecast Plus – MS Multiplan – StatPac Gold) |
.col | Color palette (Autodesk Animator – many) |
.com | Command (memory image of executable program) (DOS) |
.con | Configuration file (Simdir) |
.conf | Configuration file |
.config | Configuration file |
.cor | Protein Structure file |
.cpd | Script (Complaints Desk) |
.cpe | MS Fax Cover Sheet |
.cpf | Fax (The Complete Fax) |
.cph | Corel Print House image |
.cpi | Code Page Information file (DOS) |
.cpl | Control panel file (Windows 3.x) |
.cpo | Corel Print House file |
.cpp | C++ source code file |
.cpr | Cubase Project file |
.cps | Backup of startup files by Central Point PC Tools autoexec.cps |
.cpt | Compressed Mac file archive created by COMPACT PRO ( |
.cpx | Control Panel Applet |
.cpy | Copy Books Data file |
.cpz | Music text file (COMPOZ) |
.cr2 | Canon Raw Image file |
.crc | Total Commander CRC file |
.crd | Cardfile (Windows 3.x – YourWay) |
.crf | Cross-reference (MS MASM – Zortech C++) |
.crh | Links Games Course file |
.crp | Encrypted database (dBASE IV) |
.crs | File Conversion Resource (WordPerfect 5.1) |
.crt | Terminal settings information (Oracle) |
.crtr | Multi-Ad Creator 7 document |
.crtx | Microsoft Chart Template file |
.cru | Compressed file archive created by CRUSH |
.crw | Canon RAW Image file |
.crx | Chrome Extension file |
.crz | Links Games Course file |
.cs | Visual C# Source file |
.csa | Comma Deliminated Text |
.csf | Adobe Colour Settings file |
.csg | Graph (Statistica/w) |
.csh | Hamilton Labs C Shell Script file |
.csk | Claris Works |
.csm | Precompiled headers (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.cso | Compressed ISO Image file |
.csp | PC Emcee Screen Image file (Computer Support Corporation) |
.css | Cascading Sheet Style file |
.cst | Macromedia Director Cast file |
.csv | Comma Separated Values text file format (ASCII) |
.ct | Continous Tone file |
.ctc | Control file (PC Installer) |
.ctd | Cobra Track Dump |
.ctf | Character code translation file (Symphony) |
.ctg | Canon Catalog file |
.ctl | Microsoft Visual Basic Control file |
.ctn | CADTERNS file |
.ctt | Messenger contacts file |
.ctu | CZTU, a gamma-ray analysis program. Need the CTZU.exe file to work |
.ctx | Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides) |
.cty | SimCity City file |
.cue | MS Cue Cards data |
.cuf | C Utilities Form definition (TCU Turbo C Utilities) |
.cul | Windows cursor library (IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO) |
.cur | Cursor image file (Windows 3.x) |
.cut | Bitmap graphics (Dr. Halo) |
.cv4 | Color file (CodeView) |
.cv5 | Canvas version 5 |
.cva | ACD Canvas Sequence Set file |
.cvb | Borland BDE File |
.cvd | Bitdefender |
.cvp | Cover page (WinFax) |
.cvr | WinFax Cover Sheet |
.cvs | Graphics (Canvas) |
.cvt | Backup file for CONVERTed database file (dBASE IV) |
.cvw | Color file (CodeView) |
.cwk | Claris Works data |
.cwz | CropWalker file |
.cxf | Google Picasa Collage file |
.cxp | Core Media Player XML-based Playlist File |
.cxt | Macromedia Director Protected Cast file |
.cxx | C++ source code file (Zortech C++) |
.d | D programming language source code |
.d00 | Blaster Master Pro File |
.d10 | H&R Block Deduction Pro file |
.d2s | Character file (Diablo 2) |
.d3d | File Extension for Desktop-3D Notes |
.d64 | Commodore 64 Emulator Disk Image |
.dat | Data file in special format or ASCII |
.data | Sid Tune audio file |
.day | Journal file |
.db | Configuration (dBASE IV – dBFast) |
.db$ | Temperature debug info (Clarion Modula-2) |
.db2 | Database (dBASE II) |
.db3 | Database (dBASE III) |
.dba | Datafile (DataEase) |
.dbb | ANSYS Database Backup |
.dbd | Business data (Business Insight) |
.dbf | Database file (dBASE III/IV – FoxPro – dBFast – DataBoss) |
.dbg | Symbolic debugging information (MS C/C++) |
.dbk | Database backup (dBASE IV) |
.dbl | Windows XP Activation file |
.dbm | Datafile (DataEase) |
.dbo | Compiled program (dBASE IV) |
.dbs | Database in SQL Windows format |
.dbt | Data Base Text (Clipper) |
.dbw | Windows file (DataBoss) |
.dbx | Database |
.dca | Document Content Architecture text file (IBM DisplayWrite) |
.dcf | Disk image file |
.dcm | DCM Module Format |
.dcp | Data CodePage (OS/2) |
.dcr | Kodak Proprietary Image Format |
.dcs | Bitmap graphics (CYMK format) (QuarkXPress) |
.dct | Database dictionary (Clarion Database Developer) |
.dcx | FAX Image |
.dd | Compressed Macintosh file archive created by DISKDOUBLER |
.ddat | DivX Temporary file |
.ddb | Bitmap graphics |
.ddc | DivX Descriptor Description File |
.ddf | MS Data Definition Language file |
.ddi | Diskdupe Image file ( |
.ddp | Device Driver Profile file (OS/2) |
.de | MetaProducts Download Express incompletely downloaded file |
.de7 | Dance E jay 7 File |
.deb | Debug script (DOS Debug) |
.dec | VersaPro Declaration file |
.def | Assembly header file (Geoworks) |
.dem | Demonstration |
.des | Description Text |
.dev | Device driver |
.dfd | Data Flow Diagram graphic (Prosa) |
.dff | Criterion RenderWare 3.x 3D object format |
.dfi | Outline font description (Digifont) |
.dfl | Default program settings (Signature) |
.dfm | Data Flow Diagram model file (Prosa) |
.dfs | Delight Sound file |
.dft | Fakt2000 file |
.dfv | Printing form (Word) |
.dfx | Drafix file |
.dgn | Graphics (MicroStation) |
.dgr | Fax Page (MS Outlook Express) |
.dgs | Diagnostics |
.dh | Dependency information for .ph (Geoworks) |
.dhp | Dr. Halo PIC Format graphics (Dr. Halo II – III) |
.dht | Datafile (Gauss) |
.dhy | Adobe Bridge file |
.dia | Diagraph graphics (Computer Support Corporation) |
.dib | Bitmap graphics (Device-Independent Bitmap) |
.dic | Lotus Notes / Domino dictonary file |
.dif | Database (VisiCalc) |
.dig | Digilink Format |
.dip | Graphics |
.dir | Adobe Director Movie File |
.dis | DATAIR data import specification file |
.divx | DivX Encoded Movie file |
.diz | Description file (Description In Zip) |
.dje | MattBatt iAM-player |
.djv | DJVu Scanned file |
.djvu | DJVu file |
.dkb | Raytraced graphics (DKBTrace) |
.dl | Animation (Italian origin) |
.dl_ | Compressed .dll file in an Install Archive |
.dld | Data (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.dlg | Dialog resource script file (MS Windows SDK) |
.dll | Dynamic Link Library (Windows 3.x – OS/2) |
.dls | Setup (Norton Disklock) |
.dmf | Delusion/XTracker digital music file |
.dmg | Macintosh OS X Disk Image file |
.dml | Medical Manager DML System Script |
.dmo | Demo (Derive) |
.dmp | Dump file (eg. screen or memory) |
.dms | Compressed Amiga file archive created by DISKMASHER |
.dmsk | DivX Web Player Temporary file |
.dna | Desktop DNA data storage file |
.dnasym | Desktop DNA compiled application script |
.dnax | Desktop DNA exclusion list (text) |
.dne | Netica Bayes net file (Norsys Software Corp.) |
.dng | Adobe Digital Negative fFile |
.dnl | DigitalWebBook Electronic Book |
.do | ModelSim Filter Design HDL Coder |
.doc | Document text file |
.docm | Open XML Macro-enabled Document file (Microsoft Word 2007 / Word 2010) |
.docx | Open XML Document text file (Microsoft Office 2007 / Office 2010) |
.dog | Screen file (Laughing Dog Screen Maker) |
.doh | Dependency information for .poh (Geoworks) |
.dol | Nintendo Executable file |
.dos | External command file (1st Reader) |
.dot | Line-type definition file (CorelDRAW) |
.dotx | Microsoft Word 2007 / Word 2010 Template file |
.dox | Text file (MultiMate 4.0) |
.doz | Description Out of Zip (VENDINFO) |
.dp | Calendar file (Daily Planner) |
.dpg | Nintendo DS MPEG Video File |
.dpk | Delphi Package file |
.dpp | Serif DrawPlus Drawing |
.dpr | Default project- and state-related information (Borland C++) |
.dps | DivX Player Skin file |
.dpt | Desktop DNA template |
.dpx | Digital moving picture exchange format |
.dra | Map Maker Pro GIS vector layer |
.drs | Display Resource (WordPerfect for Win) |
.drv | Device driver eg. for printer |
.drw | Drawing (various) |
.ds | Twain Data Source file |
.ds4 | Vector graphics (Micrografx Designer 4.0) |
.dsa | DasyTec DASYLab file |
.dsb | DasyTec DASYLab file |
.dsc | Discard file (Oracle) |
.dsd | Database (DataShaper) |
.dsf | Micrografx Designer |
.dsk | Project desktop file (Borland C++ – Turbo Pascal) |
.dsm | Digital sound module (DSI) |
.dsn | ODBC Data Source file |
.dsp | Display parameters (Signature) |
.dsp2 | ReaderX and DragonStar Pro Ltd file extensions |
.dsr | Driver Resource (WordPerfect for Win) |
.dss | Screensaver file (DCC) |
.dst | PC-RDist Distribution file |
.dsw | Desktop settings (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.dsy | PC Draft Symbol Library |
.dt_ | Data fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette) |
.dta | Data file (Turbo Pascal – PC-File – Stata) |
.dtd | SGML Document Definition file |
.dtf | Database file (PFS – Q&A) |
.dtp | Document (Timeworks Publisher3) |
.dup | Duplicate Backup |
.dus | Readiris font dictionary |
.dvc | Data (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.dvf | DV Studio Camcorder Graphics file |
.dvi | Device Independent document (TeX) |
.dvp | Desqview Program Information file (DESQview) |
.dvr | Windows Media Center Recorded file |
.dvr-ms | files created by Stream Buffer Engine(SBE) |
.dw2 | Drawing (DesignCAD for windows) |
.dwc | Compressed file archive created by DWC (dwc-a501.exe) |
.dwd | Davka Writer file |
.dwf | Autodesk WHIP! Drawing Web file |
.dwg | Drawing (Drafix) |
.dwk | DADiSP Worksheet File |
.dwl | Drawing Lock file |
.dwt | AutoCAD Template/Prototype file |
.dwz | DVD movieFactory 3 |
.dx | Text file (DEC WPS/DX format – DEC WPS Plus) |
.dxf | Drawing Interchange File Format vector graphics (AutoCAD) |
.dxn | Fax (Fujitsu dexNET) |
.dxr | Adobe Director Movie File |
.dyc | ICUII Videochat file |
.dylib | Apple osx extension for lib |
.dyn | Data (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.dz | Dzip Compressed file |
.e3p | CIM-Team E3.series parts file |
.e3s | CIM-Team E3.series project file format |
.e3t | CIM-Team E3.series template file |
.e3v | CIM-Team E3.series viewer project file format |
.eap | Enterprise Architect Project file |
.ear | Java Enterprise Application Packaging Unit |
.eas | Elite Visual Basic API Spy |
.ebj | Error-checking object file (Geoworks) |
.ebo | MS Reader Ebook Format |
.ebp | Pocket PC WindowsCE Project file |
.ecf | Microsoft Outlook Add-on file |
.eco | NetManage ECCO file |
.ecw | Ensoniq Waveset Format |
.edb | MS Exchange Database |
.edl | Edit Decision List (management for video/film post production) |
.edr | Portable energy file – GROMACS 3.3 |
.eds | Ensoniq SQ80 disk image |
.edt | Default settings (VAX Edt editor) |
.eeb | Button bar for Equation Editor (WordPerfect for Win) |
.efe | Ensoniq EPS file |
.eft | High resolution screen font (ChiWriter) |
.efx | Fax (Everex EFax) |
.ega | EGA display font (Ventura Publisher) |
.ek5 | SonarData Echoview file |
.ek6 | SonarData Echoview file |
.ekm | EXP: The Scientific Word Processor Macro |
.el | Elisp source code file (Emacs lisp) |
.elc | Compiled ELISP code (Emacs lisp) |
.elm | MS FrontPage Theme-Pack file |
.elt | Event list text file (Prosa) |
Outlook Express Mail Message | |
.emb | Everest Embedded Bank File |
.emd | ABT Extended Module |
.emf | Enchanced Metafile graphics |
.eml | Electronic Mail (Email) Message file |
.emp | E-Music File Format |
.ems | PC Tools Enhanced Menu System Config |
.emu | Terminal emulation data (BITCOM) |
.emx | Ensuredmail encrypted file/e-mail message |
.emz | Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile |
.enc | Encoded file – UUENCODEd file (Lotus 1-2-3 – uuexe515.exe) |
.end | Arrow-head definition file (CorelDRAW) |
.eng | Dictionary engine (Sprint) |
.ens | EndNote Styles file |
.env | Enveloper macro (WOPR) |
.eot | MS WEFT Embedded OpenType file |
.epd | Publication (Express Publisher) |
.epf | Encryption Protection (encrypted file format) |
.epi | Document (Express Publisher) |
.epp | EditPad Pro Project |
.eps | Encapsulated PostScript vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator) |
.epub | Open Electronic Book file |
.eqn | Equation (WordPerfect for Win) |
.erd | Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa) |
.erm | Entity Relationship Diagram model file (Prosa) |
.err | Error log |
.esh | Extended Shell batch file |
.esl | MS Visual FoxPro Distributable Support Library |
.esp | Ventura file |
.ess | EXP: The Scientific Word Processor Style Sheet |
.est | MS Streets & Trips 2001 Trip file |
.etf | Enriched Text file |
.eth | Document (Ethnograph 3) |
.ets | eSignal Time and Sales file |
.etx | Structure Enhanced (setext) text |
.ev | SonarData Echoview file |
.evi | SonarData Echoview file |
.evl | SonarData Echoview file |
.evr | SonarData Echoview file |
.evt | Event log |
.evy | Document (WordPerfect Envoy) |
.ewd | Document (Express Publisher for Windows) |
.ewl | EclipseCrossword Word List |
.ex | Norton Ghost Template File |
.ex_ | Compressed .EXE File in an Install Archive |
.ex3 | Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.exc | Rexx source code file (VM/CMS) |
.exd | Control Information Cache |
.exe | Directly executable program (DOS) |
.exm | Msdos executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator) |
.exp | ICQ Saved Chat file |
.ext | Extension file (Norton Commander) |
.ext2fs | filesystem driver in the Linux kernel |
.exx | Intermediate file by MsgPut (IBM LinkWay) |
.ezf | Fax (Calculus EZ-Fax) |
.ezm | Text file |
.ezp | Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility |
.ezz | eZBackup backup file |
.f | Fortran source code file |
.f_i | Print IPS file |
.f01 | Fax (perfectfax) |
.f06 | Dos screen text font – height 6 pixels ( |
.f07 | Dos screen text font – height 7 pixels ( |
.f08 | Dos screen text font – height 8 pixels ( |
.f09 | Dos screen text font – height 9 pixels ( |
.f10 | Dos screen text font – height 10 pixels ( |
.f11 | Dos screen text font – height 11 pixels ( |
.f12 | Dos screen text font – height 12 pixels ( |
.f13 | Dos screen text font – height 13 pixels ( |
.f14 | Dos screen text font – height 14 pixels ( |
.f16 | Dos screen text font – height 16 pixels ( |
.f2 | FLASH BIOS file |
.f2r | Linear module (music) (Farandole) |
.f3r | Blocked module (music) (Farandole) |
.f4v | MP4 Video file |
.f77 | Fortran 77 source code file |
.f90 | Fortran file |
.f96 | Fax (Frecom FAX96) |
.fac | Face graphics |
.faq | Frequently Asked Questions text file |
.far | Farandoyle Tracker Music Module |
.fav | MS Outlook Bar Shortcuts |
.fax | Fax (raster graphics) (most Fax programs) |
.fbc | FamilyTree Compressed backup file |
.fbk | Navison Financials Backup |
.fc | Spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 2.0) |
.fcd | Virtual CD-ROM |
.fcm | Binary file patch file (forward compression)( |
.fcp | FLAMES Checkpoint Restart file (Ternion) |
.fcs | Flow Cytometry Standard Format |
.fcw | Campaign Cartographer 2 file |
.fd | Declaration file (MS Fortran) |
.fdb | Art Explosion Portfolio Catalog file |
.fde | FLAMES Dataset Export file (Ternion) |
.fdf | Adobe Acrobat Forms document |
.fdr | Final Draft Document file |
.fdw | Form (F3 Design and Mapping) |
.feb | Button bar for Figure Editor (WordPerfect for Win) |
.fef | Steuer2001 file |
.fes | Fabio Editing Software |
.fev | FLAMES Environment Variable file (Ternion) |
.ff | Outline font description (Agfa Compugraphics) |
.ffa | MS Fast Find file |
.fff | Fax (defFax) |
.ffl | MS Fast Find file |
.ffo | MS Fast Find file |
.fft | Dca/FFT Final Form Text text file (DisplayWrite) |
.ffx | Microsoft Fast Find file |
.fgd | Folder Guard Data |
.fh10 | Macromedia Freehand 10 |
.fh3 | Vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 3.x) |
.fh4 | Vector graphics (Aldus FreeHand 4.x) |
.fh5 | Freehand 5 |
.fh6 | Freehand 6 |
.fh7 | Freehand 7 |
.fh8 | Macromedia Freehand 8 |
.fh9 | Macromedia Freehand 9 |
.fi | Interface file (MS Fortran) |
.fif | Fractal Image Format file |
.fig | REND386/AVRIL Graphic |
.fil | File template (Application Generator) |
.fin | Print-formatted text file (Perfect Writer – Scribble – MINCE) |
.fio | PhotoStyler graphics (filter) |
.fit | Fits graphics |
.fix | Patch file |
.fky | Macro file (FoxPro) |
.fla | Adobe Flash file |
.flac | Free Lossless Audio Codec |
.flb | Format library (Papyrus) |
.flc | Animation (Autodesk Animator) |
.fld | Folder (Charisma) |
.fle | Flea program: outbound file and attachment required by the given mailer environment |
.flf | Corel Paradox Form |
.fli | Tex font library (EmTeX) |
.flk | File Locker Encrypted file |
.flm | Film Roll (AutoCAD/AutoShade) |
.flo | Micrografx FlowCharter |
.flp | Adobe Flash Project file |
.flt | Asymetrix Graphics Filter Support file |
.flv | Adobe Flash Video file |
.flx | Compiled binary (DataFlex) |
.fm | Spreatsheet (FileMaker Pro) |
.fm1 | Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x) |
.fm3 | Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.fmb | File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect for Win) |
.fmf | Font or icon file (IBM LinkWay) |
.fmg | FreeMarkets Graphics Browser |
.fmk | Makefile (Fortran PowerStation) |
.fmo | Compiled format file (dBASE IV) |
.fmp | FileMaker Pro Document |
.fmpp | FLAMES Model Prototype file for components written in C++ (Ternion) |
.fmt | Format file (dBASE IV – FoxPro – Clipper 5 – dBFast) |
.fmv | Frame Vector Metafile |
.fmz | Form Z Program files (drawing program) |
.fn3 | Font file (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.fnt | Font file (many) |
.fnx | Inactive font (Exact) |
.fo1 | Font file (Borland Turbo C) |
.fo2 | Font file (Borland Turbo C) |
.fol | Folder of saved messages (1st Reader) |
.fon | Dialing directory file (Telix) |
.for | Fortran source code file |
.fot | Installed Truetype font (Windows Font Installer) |
.fp | Configuration file (FoxPro) |
.fp3 | FileMaker Pro 3.0 and earlier files |
.fp4 | FileMaker Pro 4.0 |
.fp5 | FileMaker Pro 5.0 and later files |
.fpb | FLAMES Playback Recorder file (Ternion) |
.fpc | Catalog (FoxPro) |
.fpk | JetForm FormFlow file |
.fpr | FLAMES Prototype file (Ternion) |
.fpt | Memo (FoxPro) |
.fpw | Floorplan drawing (FloorPLAN plus for Windows) |
.fpx | FlashPix Bitmap |
.fqy | FLAMES FLARE Command file (Ternion) |
.fr3 | Renamed dBASE III+ form file (dBASE IV) |
.frc | FLAMES Recorder Output file; FLARE Input file (Ternion) |
.frd | Files which contain loudspeaker frequency response data |
.fre | Creative Digital Blaster Digital VCR file |
.frf | Font (FontMonger) |
.frg | Uncompiled report file (dBASE IV) |
.frl | FormFlow file |
.frm | MySQL Database Format file |
.fro | Compiled report file (dBASE IV) |
.frp | Form (PerForm PRO Plus – FormFlow) |
.frs | Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect for Win) |
.frt | Report memo (FoxPro) |
.frx | Report (FoxPro) |
.fs | F# Source Code file |
.fsc | FLAMES Scenario file (Ternion) |
.fsh | EA Sports Game Graphic Editor file |
.fsl | Form (Paradox for Windows) |
.fsm | Farandoyle Sample format music |
.fsproj | Store Firestarter projects used to generate class mapping definitions for Habanero Firestarter |
.fst | Linkable program (dBFast) |
.fsx | Data (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.fsy | Fileware’s Filesync |
.ftm | Font file (Micrografx) |
.ftp | Configuration (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
.fts | Windows Help Full-Text Search Index file |
.ftw | Family file |
.fus | Files that store user settings for various FLAMES applications (Ternion) |
.fvt | Interlock Public Computer Utility |
.fw | Database (FrameWork) |
.fw2 | Database (Framework II) |
.fw3 | Database (Framework III) |
.fwp | FLAMES Window Viewer project file (Ternion). |
.fx | DirectX Effects file |
.fxd | Phonebook (FAXit) |
.fxm | WinFax/WinFax MiniViewer Fax |
.fxo | Fax Image Document |
.fxp | Compiled format (FoxPro) |
.fxr | WinFax Received Document |
.fxs | Fax Transmit Format graphics (WinFax) |
.g | Data chart (APPLAUSE) |
.g3 | Group 3 Fax document; Group 3 Fax |
.g3f | Zetafax TIFF file (fine resolution) |
.g3n | Zetafax TIFF file (normal resolution) |
.g8 | Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane three (PicLab) |
.gab | Global Address Book file |
.gal | Corel Multimedia Manager Album |
.gam | Saved Game file |
.gat | Gator file |
.gb | Pagefox Bitmap Image file |
.gba | Game Boy Advanced ROM |
.gbc | Game Boy COlor ROM |
.gbd | Gator Banner file |
.gbl | Global definitions (VAXTPU editor) |
.gbr | GIMP Brush file |
.gbx | Gerber file |
.gc1 | Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 1.1) |
.gc3 | Lisp source code (Golden Common Lisp 3.1) |
.gcd | Graphics |
.gcf | Steam GCF File |
.gdb | Interbase Database |
.gdf | Dictionary file (GEOS) |
.gdr | Bitmap Font file (SymbianOS) |
.ged | Editor’s native file format (Arts & Letters) |
.gem | Vector graphics (GEM – Ventura Publisher) |
.gen | Compiled template (dBASE Application Generator) |
.geo | Geode (Geoworks) |
.gfb | Compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST (gifblast.exe) |
.gft | Font (NeoPaint) |
.gfx | Genigraphics Graphics Link Presentation |
.gg | Google Desktop Gadget file |
.gho | Symantec Ghost Disk image file |
.ghs | Lasertank High Scores |
.gib | Chart (Graph-in-the-Box) |
.gid | Windows Help index file |
.gif | Graphics Interchange Format bitmap graphics (CompuShow) |
.gig | Sound file |
.giw | Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows) |
.gl | Animation (GRASP GRAphical System for Presentation) |
.glm | Datafile (Glim) |
.gls | Datafile (Across) |
.gly | Glossary (MS Word) |
.gmd | Game Maker file format |
.gmf | CGM graphics (APPLAUSE) |
.gml | Geography Markup Language file |
.gmp | Geomorph tile map (SPX) |
.gno | Genopro Genealogy Document file |
.gnt | In MF COBOL a compiled .cbl file |
.goc | Goc source code file (Geoworks) |
.goh | Goc header file (Geoworks) |
.gp | Geode parameter file (Geoworks Glue) |
.gp3 | CCITT Group 3 file |
.gp4 | Guitar Pro version 4.06 |
.gpd | VISUAL EPR Input Data for PARAMS.EXE |
.gph | Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G) |
.gpk | Omnigo program package |
.gpx | GPS eXchange Format |
.gr2 | Screen driver (Windows 3.x) |
.gra | Datafile (SigmaPlot) |
.grb | Ms-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5) |
.grd | Gradebook Power file |
.grf | Micrografix Image file |
.grl | Matlab Graphic Format |
.grp | Group file (Windows 3.x – Papyrus) |
.grx | File list (GetRight) |
.gry | Raw GREY graphics |
.gs1 | Presentation (GraphShow) |
.gsd | Vector graphics (Professional Draw) |
.gsm | Raw GSM 6.10 Audio Stream |
.gsp | Geometer’s Sketchpad Material file |
.gsw | Worksheet (GraphShow) |
.gtp | Gnome Desktop Theme file |
.gts | Genome Software Tempo Alarm Clock |
.gup | Data (PopMail) |
.gwi | Groupwise File |
.gwp | Greetings WorkShop file |
.gxd | General CADD Pro file |
.gxl | Graphics library (Genus) |
.gxt | GTA2 Game file |
.gym | Sega Genesis Music Logged Format |
.gz | Compressed file archive created by GZIP (GNU zip) |
.gzip | Compressed file archive created by GZIP (GNU zip) |
.heic | High Efficiency Image Container (HEIC) Used in Apple iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra in 2017 |
.heif | HEIF borrows technology from the High Efficiency Video Compression (HEVC) codec, also known as h.265 |
.hevc | High Efficiency Video Compression (HEVC) codec, also known as h.265 |
.h | Header file |
.h– | Header file (Sphinx C–) |
.h! | On-line help file (Flambeaux Help! Display Engine) |
.h++ | Header file (C++) |
.ha | Compressed file archive created by HA ( |
.ham | Image file |
.hap | Compressed file archive created by HAP ( |
.hbk | Handbook (Mathcad) |
.hbs | eBerry Transparent Animation – compressed bitmap files |
.hcr | IBM HCD/HCM Production Configuration |
.hdf | Hierarchical Data File graphics (SDSC Image Tools) |
.hdl | Alternate download file listing (Procomm Plus) |
.hdp | HD Photo File |
.hdr | InstallShield Setup header |
.hds | Windows Digital Right Management file |
.hdw | Vector graphics (Harvard Draw) |
.hdx | Help index (AutoCAD – Zortech C++) |
.hed | HighEdit document |
.hex | Hex dump |
.hfi | Hp Font Info file (GEM) |
.hfx | HotFax file |
.hgl | Hp Graphics Language graphics |
.hh | C++ header file |
.hhc | Table of Contents file |
.hhh | Precompiled header file (Power C) |
.hhk | Help Workshop Index file |
.hhp | Help information for remote users (Procomm Plus) |
.hht | MS Messenger file |
.hin | Molecule (HyperChem) |
.his | Insight II Dynamics Trajectory History file |
.hlb | Help library (VAX) |
.hlp | Help information |
.hlz | Multi-Edit Packed Help file |
.hm3 | Help & Manual 3 project Format |
.hmm | Alternate Mail Read option menu (Procomm Plus) |
.hnc | CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog |
.hof | Hall Of Fame (game scores) |
.hp8 | Ascii text HP Roman8 character set (NewWave Write) |
.hpf | Hp LaserJet fonts (PageMaker) |
.hpg | HPGL plotter file vector graphics (AutoCad – Harvard Graphics) |
.hpi | Font information file (GEM) |
.hpj | Help project (MS Help Compiler) |
.hpk | Compressed file archive created by HPACK ( |
.hpm | Emm text (HP NewWave) |
.hpp | C++ header file (Zortech C++) |
.hqx | Compressed Macintosh ASCII archive created by BINHEX ( |
.hrf | Graphics (Hitachi Raster Format) |
.hrm | Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users (Procomm Plus) |
.hs2 | Monochrome image (Postering) |
.hsi | Handmade Software Inc. graphics – almost JPEG (Image Alchemy) |
.hst | Yahoo Messenger History file |
.hta | Hypertext application |
.htc | HTML Component (mechanism for implementing Dynamic HTML in script) |
.htf | WebBase File |
.hti | WebBase File |
.htm | HyperText Markup Language document |
.html | HyperText Markup Language document |
.htr | Motion Analysis Software Skeletal file |
.htt | Hypertext template |
.htx | Hypertext file |
.hus | Husqvarna Designer I Embroidery Machine Format |
.hwd | Presentation (Hollywood) |
.hxm | Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users (Procomm Plus) |
.hxx | C++ header file |
.hy1 | Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher) |
.hy2 | Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher) |
.hyc | Data (WordPerfect) |
.hyd | Hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect for Win) |
.hyp | Compressed file archive created by HYPER ( |
.hyt | VFSMOD Project output file |
.i | Intermediate file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.iaf | MS Outlook 97 and 2000 e-mail account settings |
.iax | Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive) |
.ibd | Installer Dialog Resource file |
.ibm | Compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only) |
.ibp | Isobuster Image file |
.ibq | Isobuster Managed Image file |
.ica | Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture) |
.icb | Bitmap graphics |
.icc | Kodak Printer Image |
.icd | IronCAD 2D CAD file |
.icl | Icon library (ActivIcons, IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO) |
.icm | Image Color Matching Profile file |
.icn | Icon source code file |
.ico | Icon (Windows 3.x) |
.ics | iCalendar Calendar file |
.id | Disk identification file |
.id2 | Windows Live Messenger Emoticon file |
.idb | Database Used by Disassembler |
.ide | Project (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.idf | ARTiSAN Real-time Studio ID file |
.idl | MS Visual C++ Interface Definition file |
.idw | Vector graphics (IntelliDraw) |
.idx | Index (many – FoxPro) |
.ies | Photometric file data |
.ifd | Form (JetForm Design) |
.iff | Interchange File Format bitmap graphics/sound (Amiga) |
.ifo | Saved graphic objects (ImageForge PRO) |
.ifp | Script (KnowledgeMan) |
.ifs | Fractal image compressed file (Yuvpak) |
.igr | Intergraph SmartSketch Drawing |
.igs | IGES-Format |
.igx | iGrafx Process |
.iif | QuickBooks for Windows Interchange file |
.ilb | Data (Scream Tracker) |
.ilk | Outline of program’s format (MS ILink incremental linker) |
.im30 | Sun Raster image file |
.im8 | Sun raster graphics |
.ima | Mirage vector graphics (EGO, Chart, Autumn) |
.imb | IncrediMail file |
.imc | IncrediMail file |
.imd | Caseware IDEA (GIS data file) |
.imf | ImageForge/IconForge saved filtered brushes(IconForge, ImageForge, ImageForge PRO) |
.img | Bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher – GEM Paint) |
.imm | IncrediMail Trash |
.imn | IncrediMail Notifier |
.imp | Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv) |
.imq | Image presentation (ImageQ) |
.ims | Incredimail Graphic |
.imv | Yahoo Instant Messenger IMVironment |
.imw | Imageware Surfacer 3D CAD Surface Geometry |
.imz | Compressed floppy image |
.in$ | Installation file (HP NewWave) |
.in3 | Input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.inb | Test script (Vermont HighTest) |
.inc | Include file (several programming languages) |
.ind | Index (dBASE IV) |
.indd | Adobe InDesign file format |
.inf | Type 1 LaserJet font information file (soft font installers) |
.ini | Initialization file |
.ink | Pantone reference fills file (CorelDRAW) |
.inl | MS Visual C++ Inline Function file |
.inp | GIS Software Text Input file |
.ins | Data (WordPerfect) |
.int | Borland Interface Units |
.inv | Rogue Spear Inventory file |
.inx | Foxpro Index (Foxbase) |
.io | Compressed file archive created by CPIO |
.iob | 3d graphics database in TDDD format |
.ioc | Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!) |
.ion | 4dos descript.ion file (file descriptions) |
.ipa | iPod/iPhone Application file |
.ipd | BlackBerry Backup file |
.ipg | Mindjongg Format |
.ipj | Impatica OnCue Project file |
.ipl | Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDRAW) |
.ipp | Help & Manual Proprietary Image |
.ips | Game Patch file |
.ipsw | IPod/IPad/IPhone Software file |
.ipx | IPIX AV file |
.ipz | ICQ Skin Plus |
.iri | IR Image file |
.irs | Resource (WordPerfect) |
.isd | Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile) |
.ish | Compressed file archive created by ISH |
.isk | Command file |
.iso | Easy CD Creator Disc Image |
.isr | MS Streets & Trips Route file |
.iss | InstallShield Response file |
.ist | Digitrakker Instrument File (n-FaCToR) |
.isu | InstallShield Uninstall Script |
.isz | An extension on .ISO that allows compression and splitting of an archive |
.it | Settings (intalk) |
.itc2 | iTunes Album Data file |
.itdb | iTunes Database file |
.itf | Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal) |
.ith | InTether technology secured file |
.itl | Music Library file |
.iv | OpenInventor files (the successor to Inventor) |
.iva | security video data file |
.ivt | MS Infoviewer Title |
.iw | Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor – HSC InterActive) |
.iwa | Text file (IBM Writing Assistant) |
.iwd | Call of Duty Game Data file |
.iwp | Text file (Wang) |
.izt | Izl binary token file (IZL) |
.j01 | File Extension from ADP Payroll Company |
.jad | Java Application Descriptor extension (for installing MIDlets) |
.jar | Java archive file |
.jas | Graphics |
.jav | Java source code file |
.java | Java source code file |
.jbc | Jam Byte-Code Hex file |
.jbd | Datafile (SigmaScan) |
.jbf | Paint Shop Pro browser file |
.jbk | Juno Backup file |
.jbr | Jasc Paint Shop Pro Brush |
.jbx | Project file (Project Scheduler 4) |
.jdt | Accelio Capture Classic Filler |
.jef | Janome NH10000 Sewing Machine file |
.jet | Fax (Hybrid JetFax) |
.jff | Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format) |
.jfif | JPEG image |
.jfx | J2 Fax File |
.jhtml | Dynamo Server Page |
.jif | JPEG/JIFF Image |
.jmx | JMeter file |
.jnb | Sigma Plot Workbook file |
.jnl | Ingres Journal file |
.jnlp | Java Web Start file |
.jnt | Windows Journal Note file |
.job | Job file |
.jor | Journal file SQL |
.jou | Journal backup (VAX Edt editor) |
.jp2 | JPEG 2000 file |
.jpc | Graphics (Japan PIC) |
.jpeg | JPEG image |
.jpf | JPEG 2000 file |
.jpg | Bitmap graphics (Joint Photography Experts Group) |
.jps | Stereo Image |
.jpx | JBuilder Project file |
.js | Microsoft Scripting Language “JScript” file extension |
.jsd | eFAX Jet Suite Document |
.jse | JScript Encoded Script file |
.jsf | Fireworks Batch Script file |
.jsh | Henter-Joyce, Inc. Jaws Script Header file |
.json | JavaScript Object Notation file |
.jsp | Java Server page |
.jtf | Fax (Hayes JT Fax) |
.jtp | Jetform file |
.jup | (New Planet Software) Code Crusader user’s project preferences file |
.jw | Text document (JustWrite) |
.jwl | Library (JustWrite) |
.jwp | Easy CD Creator Label file |
.jxr | JPEG XR file |
.jzz | Spreadsheet (Jazz) |
.kar | Midi file with karaoke word track |
.kau | Sassafras KeyAudit Audit file |
.kb | Keyboard script (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.kbd | Keyboard mapping (LocoScript – Signature – Procomm Plus) |
.kbm | Keyboard mapping (Reflection 4.0) |
.kcl | Lisp source code (Kyoto Common Lisp) |
.kcp | Keychamp file |
.kdc | Kaspersky Virus Database file |
.keo | Older, outdated Print Shop extension |
.ket | Older, outdated Print Shop extension |
.kex | Macro (KEDIT) |
.kext | Mac OS X Kernel Extension |
.key | Datafile (Forecast Pro) |
.kgb | KGB Archive file |
.kit | Raven Toolkit file |
.kix | KixTart Script |
.kma | Kodak Memory Book file |
.kml | Keyhole Markup Language file |
.kmp | Korg Trinity KeyMaP file |
.kmx | Kaufman Mmail Warrior Mail Folder |
.kmz | Google Earth Map Location file |
.kos | MicroType Pro Document |
.kp2 | Kruptos Encrypted file |
.kpl | Kazaa Playlist |
.kpp | Toolpad (SmartPad) |
.kps | Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics |
.kqb | Knowledge Question Base file |
.kqe | W32/Spybot.KQE Worm virus |
.kqp | Konica Quality Picture |
.krz | Kurzweil 2000 Sample |
.ksd | Native Instruments Audio Patch file |
.ktk | Kutoka’s Mia |
.kwi | Navigation Data file |
.kwm | WebMoney Private Key file |
.kyb | Keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
.l | Lex source code file |
.l01 | ARC Digitized Raster Graphics |
.lab | Datafile (NCSS – SOLO) |
.lang | Skype Language file |
.lat | Crossword Express Lattice file |
.latex | LaTeX typesetting system |
.lay | Word chart layout (APPLAUSE) |
.lbg | Label generator data (dBASE IV) |
.lbl | Label (dBASE IV – Clipper 5 – dBFast) |
.lbm | Bitmap graphics (DeluxePaint) |
.lbo | Compiled label (dBASE IV) |
.lbr | Compressed file archive created by LU (lue220.arc) |
.lbt | Label memo (FoxPro) |
.lbx | Label (FoxPro) |
.lcf | Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler) |
.lck | Lockfile (Paradox) |
.lcl | Data (FTP Software PC/TCP) |
.lcn | Lection (WordPerfect) |
.lcs | Datafile (ACT! History Files) |
.lcw | Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D) |
.ld | Long Distance codes file (Telix) |
.ld1 | Overlay file (dBASE) |
.ldb | Data (MS Access) |
.ldf | Library definition file (Geoworks Glue) |
.ldif | LDAP Data Interchange Format |
.leg | Legacy Graphic Format |
.les | Lesson (check *.cbt) |
.let | Letter |
.lev | Level file (NetHack 3.x) |
.lex | Lexicon (dictionary) (many) |
.lfa | LifeForm file |
.lft | Laser printer font (ChiWriter) |
.lg | Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo) |
.lgc | Program Use Log file |
.lgo | Logo for header and footer (SuperFax) |
.lgx | Gerber file |
.lha | Compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe) |
.lhw | Compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP |
.lib | Library file (several programming languages) |
.lic | License file (Shareware) |
.lid | Kodak Gallery Album file |
.lif | Logical Interchange Format data file (Hewlett-Packard) |
.lim | Compressed file archive created by LIMIT ( |
.lin | Line types (AutoCAD) |
.lis | Listing (VAX) |
.lit | MS Reader eBook file |
.lix | Extend Simulation Library file |
.lj | Text file for HP LJ II printer |
.lko | MS Outlook Express Linked Object |
.ll3 | Laplink III related file (document) (LapLink III) |
.lmp | Lump File |
.lmt | Nokia PC Suite Log file |
.lnd | 3D Landscape Data |
.lng | Adobe Acrobat Language Plugin file |
.lnk | Windows Shortcut file |
.loc | MicroSim PCBoard Component Locations Report |
.lod | Load file |
.log | Log file |
.lok | Encrypted and compressed archive format (FileWrangler, SecurDesk!, ZipWrangler) |
.lpc | Printer driver (TEKO) |
.lpd | Helix Nuts and Bolts File |
.lpf | Lytec’s Direct Electronic Medical Claims ClaimsDirect |
.lpi | Live Pictures |
.lpk | Licensed ActiveX Control for Internet Explorer. |
.lrf | Linker response file (MS C/C++) |
.lrs | Language Resource File (WordPerfect for Win) |
.lse | Nokia Audio Manager |
.lsf | Streaming Audio/Video file |
.lsl | Lotus Script Library |
.lsp | Lisp source code file (Xlisp) |
.lss | Spreadsheet (Legato) |
.lst | Keyboard macro (1st Reader) |
.lt2 | e frontier Poser file |
.ltm | Form (Lotus Forms) |
.ltr | Letter |
.lua | Lua Source Code file |
.lvl | Game Level file |
.lvp | Lucent Voice Player |
.lwa | LightWorks Archive Material/Scene file |
.lwd | Text document (LotusWorks) |
.lwo | NewTek Lightwave Object |
.lwp | IBM Word Pro / Lotus Word Pro 96/97 document file |
.lwz | MS Linguistically Enhanced Sound file |
.lx | Lexico – files with source code |
.lyr | DataCAD Layer file |
.lzd | Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20) |
.lzh | Compressed file archive created by LHA/LHARC (lha255b.exe) |
.lzs | Compressed file archive created by LARC ( |
.lzw | Compressed Amiga file archive created by LHWARP |
.lzx | Compressed file |
.m | Function (program) (Matlab) |
.m_u | Backup of boot sector, FAT and boot dir (MazeGold) |
.m11 | Text file (MASS11) |
.m1v | MPEG-1 Video file |
.m2p | MPEG-2 Program Stream Format file |
.m2ts | BDAV MPEG-2 file |
.m2v | MPEG-2 Video Only file |
.m3 | Modula 3 source code file |
.m3d | 3D animation macro |
.m3u | Music Playlist (Winamp) |
.m4 | M4 preprocessor file (unix) |
.m4a | MPEG-4 Audio Layer |
.m4b | MPEG-4 Audio Book file |
.m4p | MPEG-4 Encoded Audio file |
.m4r | iPhone Ringtone file |
.m4v | Apple Video file |
.ma3 | Macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.mac | Bitmap graphics (Macintosh MacPaint) |
.mad | MS Access Module Shortcut |
.maff | Mozilla Archive Format file |
.mag | Woody Lynn’s MAG graphics format (MPS Magro Paint System) |
.mai | Mail (VAX) |
.mak | Makefile |
.man | Command manual |
.map | Color palette |
.mar | Mozilla Archive |
.mas | Smartmaster set (Freelance Graphics) |
.mat | Data file (Matlab) |
.max | Max source code file |
.mb | Memo field values for database (Paradox) |
.mbf | MS Money Backup file |
.mbk | Multiple index file backup (dBASE IV) |
.mbx | Mailbox (Eudora/Zerberus) |
.mcc | Configuration file (Mathcad) |
.mcd | Document (Mathcad) |
.mcf | Mathcad font |
.mci | Mci command script (Media Control Interface) |
.mcp | Application script (Capsule) |
.mcr | DataCAD Keyboard macro file |
.mcw | Text file (MacWrite II) |
.mcx | Graphic file |
.md | Compressed file archive created by MDCD (mdcd10.arc) |
.md5 | MD5 Checksum file |
.mda | Data (MS Access) |
.mdb | Database (MS Access) |
.mde | Microsoft Access MDE database |
.mdf | Accelio Capture Classic (JetForm) Filler |
.mdi | Microsoft Office 2003 imaging format |
.mdk | Keyboard Map file |
.mdl | Model (3D Design Plus) |
.mdm | Modem definition (TELIX) |
.mdmp | Microsoft Windows XP Trouble Report |
.mdr | FaxTalk Modem Doctor Modem Report file |
.mdt | Data table (MS ILink incremental linker) |
.mdx | Multiple index file (dBASE IV) |
.mdz | MS Access Wizard Template |
.me | Usually ASCII text file READ.ME |
.meb | Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.med | Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library) |
.mem | Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.meq | Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library) |
.mer | Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue) |
.mes | Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library) |
.met | Document (Omnipage Pro) |
.meu | Menu group (DOS Shell) |
.mex | Mex file (executable command) (Matlab) |
.mf | Metafont text file |
.mfx | ImageMAKER Fax Viewer folder file |
.mgf | Font (Micrografx) |
.mgi | Modular Gateway Interface |
.mgp | MagicPoint Presentation file |
.mhp | MS Home Publishing Project |
.mht | MS MHTML Document |
.mia | MusicIndiaOnline player music file |
.mib | Snmp MIB file |
.mic | Microsoft Image Composer file |
.mid | Standard MIDI file (music synthetizers) |
.mif | Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) |
.mii | Datafile (MicroStat-II) |
.mim | MIME file |
.mio | Multimedia Interactive Object |
.mip | Paint Shop Pro Multiple Image Print file |
.mis | Delta Force Land Warrior Mission |
.mix | Object file (Power C) |
.mk | Makefile |
.mkd | Pervasive Btrieve files |
.mke | Makefile (MS Windows SDK) |
.mki | Japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5) |
.mks | Data (TACT) |
.ml3 | Project (Milestones 3.x) |
.mlb | Macro library file (Symphony) |
.mlm | Novel Groupwise e-mail file |
.mm | Text file (MultiMate Advantage II) |
.mmc | Media Catalog |
.mmd | Peristudio/PeriProducer file |
.mmf | Mail message file (MS Mail) |
.mml | Mail Meta Language |
.mmm | Movie (RIFF RMMP format) (MacroMind Director 3.x) |
.mmo | Memo writer file (RapidFile) |
.mmp | Output video format from Bravado board |
.mmx | Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Map file |
.mmz | MusicMatch Theme file |
.mnd | Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler) |
.mng | Map (DeLorme Map’n’Go) |
.mnt | Menu memo (FoxPro) |
.mnu | Advanced macro (HP NewWave) |
.mnx | Compiled menu (AutoCAD) |
.mny | Account book (MS Money) |
.mob | Device definition (PEN Windows) |
.mod | Modula-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2) |
.mol | MDL Molfile |
.mon | Monitor description (ReadMail) |
.mov | QuickTime Video Clip |
.mp2 | Mpeg audio file (xing) |
.mp3 | mp3PRO Audio file |
.mp4 | MPEG-4 Video File |
.mpa | MPEG Audio Stream, Layer I, II or III |
.mpc | Calender file (MS Project) |
.mpd | MS Project database file |
.mpe | MPEG Movie Clip |
.mpeg | MPEG Movie Clip |
.mpf | MS Design Gallery |
.mpg | MPEG-1 animation |
.mpl | Playlist Data file |
.mpls | Blu-ray Information file |
.mpm | Mathplan macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.mpp | Project file (MS Project) |
.mpq | Blizzard Game Data file |
.mpr | Generated program (FoxPro) |
.mps | Multimedia File |
.mpt | Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF) |
.mpv | View file (MS Project) |
.mpw | MosASCII Project Workspace file |
.mpx | Compiled menu program (FoxPro) |
.mrb | Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics (MS C/C++) |
.mrc | MIRC Script file |
.mrk | Informative Graphics markup file |
.mrs | Macro Resource file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.msc | MS C makefile |
.msd | MS Diagnostic Utility Report |
.msf | Multiple Sequence file |
.msg | Message |
.msi | Windows Installer file |
.msm | MultiSIM Circuit Diagram |
.msn | MSN Content Plus file |
.mso | Math Script Object file |
.msp | Bitmap graphics (Microsoft Paint) |
.mspx | XML based Web Page |
.mss | Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer – Scribble – MINCE – Jove) |
.mst | ChemFinder Chemical Structure Index |
.msu | Windows Update file |
.msv | Sony Memory Stick Format |
.msw | Text file (MS Word) |
.mswmm | Windows Movie Maker Project |
.msx | Compressed CP/M file archive created by MSX |
.mtd | Digital Sheet Music |
.mth | Math file (Derive) |
.mtm | Multitracker Module music |
.mts | AVCHD Video file |
.mtv | MTV Music Generator |
.mtw | Datafile (Minitab) |
.mtx | Temporary File often used by a browser or TWAIN device |
.mu | Menu (Quattro Pro) |
.mu3 | Myriad Music file (packed sounds & digital tracks) |
.muf | ProtoMuck Multi User Forth Program |
.mul | Ultima Online Game |
.mus | MusicTime Sound file |
.mvb | Database |
.mvc | Music Collector Collection Manager file |
.mvd | MicroDVD (DVD movie file) |
.mvf | Stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
.mvi | Movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix) |
.mvw | Log file (Saber LAN) |
.mwf | Animation (ProMotion) |
.mwp | Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster file |
.mws | Maple Worksheet File |
.mwv | MovieWorks file |
.mxd | GIS Project file |
.mxe | Macro Express |
.mxf | Material eXchange Format for the interchange of audio-visual |
.mxl | Moxcel Spreadsheet File |
.mxm | MS Project/Outlook Team Assign Task |
.mxp | Macromedia Extension Manager |
.mxt | Data (MS C) |
.myp | Presentation (MM Make Your Point) |
.myr | Myriad Music file |
.mys | Myst Saved Game |
.myt | Myriad Tutorial file |
.mzp | Maxscript Compressed File |
.na2 | Netscape Mail file |
.nam | MS Office Name file |
.nap | Naplps file (VideoShow) (EnerGraphics) |
.nav | MSN Application Extension |
.nb | Text file (Nota Bene) |
.nbf | Backup Now Backup file |
.nbu | Nokia PC Suite Backup file |
.nc | Graphics (netcdf) |
.ncb | MS Developer Studio file |
.ncc | Cnc (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D) |
.ncd | Nero CoverDesigner Document file |
.ncf | Lotus Notes Internal Clipboard |
.nch | Outlook Express folder file |
.nd5 | NDS Renamed file |
.ndb | Network database (Intellicom – Compex) |
.nde | Video format – various manufactures of surveillance camera systems |
.ndf | NeoPlanet Browser File |
.ndk | Lotus Notes(containing the files related to workspace) |
.ndx | Index file (dBASE II – III – IV – dBFast) |
.neb | Nortec H.E.L.P. |
.ned | MSN Application Extension |
.nef | Nikon’s RAW format for digital cameras (Nikon Electronic Format) |
.neo | Raster graphics (Atari Neochrome) |
.nes | Nintendo Entertainment System ROM Image |
.net | Network configuration/info file |
.new | New info |
.nfo | Info file |
.ng | Online documentation database (Norton Guide) |
.ngf | Enterasys Networks NetSight generated format file |
.ngg | Nokia Group Graphics |
.nh | NetHack file |
.nib | Adobe AIR file |
.nif | NetImmerse File Format |
.njb | Photo Index file |
.nlm | Netware Loadable Module |
.nls | Code Page National Language Support |
.nlx | Form (FormWorx 3.0) |
.nmd | SwordSearcher file |
.nmi | SwordSearcher file |
.nmo | Virtools Behavioral Objects |
.nms | Numega Softice’s Loader file |
.nnb | newnovelist Story Outline |
.nob | VersaPro Word Exchange file |
.nol | Nokia Operator Logo |
.not | Acrobat Spelling file |
.now | Text file |
.np | Project schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x) |
.npa | ReliaSoft Weibull++ 6 |
.npf | Backup Now Image file |
.npi | Source for DGEN.EXE intepreter (dBASE Application Generator) |
.nra | Nero Audio-CD Compilation |
.nrb | Nero CD-ROM Boot Compilation |
.nrg | Norton Registration Entries |
.nri | Nero ISO CD-ROM compilation |
.nrl | iManage file |
.nrw | Nero WMA Compilation file |
.nsc | Noder file (Polish) |
.nsf | Lotus Notes / Domino database |
.nsi | Nullsoft Install System Script |
.nst | Music (NoiseTracker) |
.nt | Startup files (Windows NT) |
.ntf | Lotus Notes / Domino template file |
.nth | Nokia Theme file |
.ntp | Neato CD Labels |
.ntr | Executable ASCII text file (strip header and rename) ( |
.nts | Tutorial (Norton) |
.ntx | Index (Clipper 5) |
.ntz | InVircible Directory Integrity Information |
.nu4 | Norton Utilities Root File (DLL) Symantec Corporation |
.nuf | Message for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus) |
.numbers | iWork Numbers Spreadsheet file |
.nup | Program Component Update files |
.nvc | Nero Vision Project file |
.nvm | AOLpress Help file |
.nwc | Noteworthy Composer song file |
.nwr | New World Report Aegis/MSP Law Enforcement Records (New World Systems) |
.nws | Info text file (latest news) (ASCII) |
.nwt | New World Text Aegis/MSP Law Enforcement Records (New World Systems) |
.nxt | Sound (NeXT format) |
.nzb | NewsBin Index file |
.o | Object file (unix – Atari – GCC) |
.o$$ | Outfile (Sprint) |
.oaz | Fax (NetFax Manager) |
.ob | Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) |
.obd | MS Office Binder |
.obj | Object code (Intel Recolatable Object Module) |
.obr | Object browser data file (Borland C++) |
.obs | Script (ObjectScript) |
.obv | Visual interface (ObjectScript) |
.oca | Control Typelib Cache |
.ocf | Object Craft File (Object Craft) |
.ocm | AOL Advertising Control files |
.ocp | Advanced Art Studio |
.ocr | Incoming fax transcribed to text (FAXGrapper) |
.oct | Radiance Octree Format |
.ocx | OLE ActiveX custom control |
.odf | Open Document Interchange |
.odg | OpenDocument Graphic file |
.odl | Type library source (Visual C++) |
.odp | OpenOffice Presentation file |
.ods | OpenOffice Spreadsheet file |
.odt | OpenOffice OpenDocument text document |
.oeb | Outlook Express Backup Wizard |
.oem | TextSetup OEM file |
.ofc | Open Financial Connectivity file |
.ofd | Form definition (ObjectView) |
.off | Object File Format vector graphics |
.ofm | Adobe font |
.oft | MS Outlook Item Template |
.ofx | Olicom Fax |
.ogg | Ogg Vorbis Codec Compressed WAV file |
.ogm | Ogg Vorbis Compressed Video file |
.ogv | Video Container file |
.okt | Music (Oktalizer) |
.olb | Object library (VAX) |
.old | Backup file |
.ole | Object Linking and Embedding Object |
.oli | Text file (Olivetti) |
.oma | OpenMG Music file |
.omf | Open Media file |
.omg | OpenMG Jukebox |
.oms | Briggs Softworks Order Maven |
.ond | Lotus Notes-related file |
.one | OneNote Document File |
.ont | Bible file |
.oom | Swap file (Shroom) |
.opd | Omnipage file |
.opf | Flip Album file |
.opl | Psion Organiser Programming Language Source file |
.opn | Active options (Exact) |
.ops | Microsoft Office profile settings file |
.opt | Optimize support file (QEMM) |
.opw | Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows) |
.opx | Inactive options (Exact) |
.or2 | Lotus Organizer 2 file |
.or3 | Lotus Organizer 97 file |
.or4 | Lotus Organizer file |
.or5 | Lotus Organizer file |
.ora | Parameter file (Oracle) |
.org | Calendar file (Lotus Organizer) |
.osd | Open Software Description file |
.oss | MS Office Saved Search |
.ost | Microsoft Outlook Offline file |
.otf | Open Type Format |
.otl | Outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry) |
.otx | Text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus) |
.out | Output file |
.ov1 | Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed) |
.ov2 | Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed) |
.ovd | Datafile (ObjectVision) |
.ovl | Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed) |
.ovr | Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed) |
.ovw | Cool Edit Pro Overviewfile |
.ows | Web Studio 2 Project file |
.oxt | Open Office Extension file |
.p | Pascal source code file |
.p16 | Music (16 channels) (ProTracker Studio 16) |
.p22 | Patch file (Patch22) |
.p65 | Adobe Pagemaker v6.5 |
.p7m | PKCS #7 MIME Message |
.pa | Print Artist |
.pa1 | Worktable (PageAhead) |
.pab | Microsoft Outlook personal address book |
.pac | Stad Image (graphics ?) |
.pack | Pack 2000 Compressed file |
.pad | Keypad definition (Telemate) |
.paf | PARIS audio format |
.pages | Pages document |
.pak | Compressed file archive created by PAK (pak251.exe) |
.pal | Adobe Pagemaker Library Palette |
.pan | Printer-specific file (copy to (CorelDRAW) |
.par | Parts application (Digitalk PARTS) |
.pas | Pascal source code file |
.pat | Hatch patterns (AutoCAD – Photostyler) |
.pax | Pax Archive file |
.pb | Fax (FAXability Plus) |
.pb1 | Document (First Publisher for Windows) |
.pba | Powerbasic BASIC source code (Genus) |
.pbd | Phone book (FaxNOW! – Faxit) |
.pbf | Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank file |
.pbi | Powerbasic include file (Genus) |
.pbk | Microsoft XP Remote Access Phonebook file |
.pbl | Powerbasic library (Genus) |
.pbm | Pbm Portable Bit Map graphics |
.pbo | Profiler Binary Output (MS Source Profiler) |
.pbr | Microsoft Publisher backup file |
.pbt | Profiler Binary Table (MS Source Profiler) |
.pc | Text file containing IBM PC specific info |
.pc3 | Custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.pc8 | Ascii text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write) |
.pca | Cash Register Express program |
.pcb | Broderbund Print Shop Business Card |
.pcc | Cutout picture vector graphics (PC Paintbrush) |
.pcd | Graphics (Kodak PhotoCD) |
.pcf | Profile Configuration file |
.pch | Patch file |
.pcj | Multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBM’s Linkaway-Live) |
.pck | Received Package file |
.pcl | HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language) |
.pcm | Plasmacam CAD/CAM system file |
.pcs | PICS Animation |
.pct | Bitmap Graphic |
.pcw | Text file (PC Write) |
.pcx | Bitmap graphics (PC Paintbrush) |
.pd | SynerGEE Stoner software files (compressible pipe flow program) |
.pda | Bitmap graphics |
.pdb | Data (TACT) |
.pdc | Personal Database Creator file |
.pdd | Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image |
.pde | Principalm Data Extract files |
Adobe Portable Document Format | |
.pdg | Printshop Deluxe files |
.pdl | Project Description Language file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.pdr | Port or printer driver |
.pds | Incredimail |
.pdt | ProCite Primary Database |
.pdv | Printer driver (Paintbrush) |
.pdw | Document (Professional Draw) |
.pdx | Adobe Acrobat Index file |
.pe4 | Photo Explorer Thumbnail |
.pea | PeaZip Compressed FileArchived files |
.peb | Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.ped | Program Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library) |
.pem | Program Editor macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.peq | Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library) |
.per | Program Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue) |
.pes | Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library) |
.pet | Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library) |
.pf | Windows Prefetch file |
.pfa | Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font) |
.pfb | Type 1 PostScript font file |
.pfc | Text file (First Choice) |
.pfg | jEEPers file |
.pfk | Programmable function keys (XTreePro) |
.pfl | Family Lawyer Data file |
.pfm | Windows Type 1 font metric file |
.pfs | Database (PFS:FILE) – text file (PFS:Write) |
.pft | Printer font (ChiWriter) |
.pg | Pagefox File |
.pgi | Printer Graphics File device driver (PGRAPH library) |
.pgm | Portable Grayscale bitMap graphics |
.pgp | Support file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System) |
.pgs | Manual page (man4dos) |
.ph | Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) |
.phb | NewLeaf PhraseBook |
.phn | Phone list (UltraFax – QmodemPro) |
.pho | Phone database (Metz Phone for Windows) |
.php | PHP Script |
.phr | Phrases (LocoScript) |
.phtml | PHP Script |
.pic | Pixar picture file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.pif | Program Information File (Windows 3.x) |
.pim | PIM Archive file |
.pip | Personalized menu and toolbar (MS Office) |
.pit | Compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT (unpackit.zoo) |
.pix | Alias image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.pj | Project (CA-SuperProject) |
.pj64 | Project 64 game files.mswmm Windows Movie Maker Project file |
.pjt | Project memo (FoxPro) |
.pjx | Project (FoxPro) |
.pk | Packed bitmap font bitmap file (TeX DVI drivers) |
.pk3 | American McGee Alice Archive |
.pka | Compressed file archive created by PKARC |
.pkd | Top Secret Crypto Gold file |
.pkg | Installer script (Next) |
.pkk | Private Key file |
.pkt | Packet Tracer Network Simulation file |
.pl | Perl source code file |
.pl1 | Room plan (3D Home Architect) |
.pl3 | Chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.plb | Library (FoxPro) |
.plc | Add-in file (functions – macros – applications) (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.pll | Pre-linked library (Clipper 5) |
.pln | Spreadsheet (WordPerfect for Win) |
.plr | Descent Pilot file |
.pls | DisorderTracker2 Sample |
.plt | AutoCAD HPGL Vector Graphic Plotter file |
.pmv | Pegasus Mail Filter Rule file |
.pmx | Pegasus Mail file |
.pn3 | Printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.pnf | Precompiled Setup Information (Temporary file seen during installs) |
.png | Bitmap graphics (Portable Network Graphics) |
.pnm | Pbm Portable aNy Map (PNM) graphics |
.pnt | Macintosh painting |
.pod | OPENPROJ Project file |
.poh | Optimized .goh file (Geoworks) |
.poi | Point of interest file |
.pop | Messages index (PopMail) |
.pos | ProCite Output Styles |
.pot | PowerPoint template |
.potx | PowerPoint Open XML Template file |
.pov | Raytraced scene description file (Persistence Of Vision) |
.pow | Chord chart (PowerChords) |
.pp | Free Pascal Source Code file |
.ppa | PowerPoint Add-in |
.ppb | Button bar for Print Preview (WordPerfect for Win) |
.ppd | PostScript Printer Description (Acrobat) |
.ppf | Turtle Beach Pinnacle Program file |
.ppg | MS PowerPoint Ppresentation |
.ppl | Polaroidpaletteplus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.ppm | Portable Pixel Map graphics |
.ppo | Pre-processor output (Clipper 5) |
.ppp | Publication (PagePlus) |
.pps | PowerPoint Slideshow |
.ppsx | MS Office PowerPoint Slide Show file |
.ppt | General file extension (PowerPoint) |
.ppz | PowerPoint Packaged Presentation |
.pqa | Palm Query Application File (database for wireless access) |
.pqi | Power Quest Drive imaging |
.pr2 | Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x) |
.pr2 | Printer driver (dBASE IV) |
.pr3 | Postscript printer driver (dBASE IV) |
.prc | Corel Presentation file |
.prd | Printer driver (many) |
.pre | Presentation (Freelance Graphics) |
.prf | Pixel Run Format graphics (Improces – Fastgraph) |
.prg | Program (Atari) |
.pri | Printer definitions (LocoScript) |
.prj | Project |
.prm | Parameters |
.prn | DataCAD Windows Printer file |
.pro | Prolog source code file |
.prs | Printer Resource eg. fonts (WordPerfect for Win) |
.prt | CADKEY Part file |
.prx | Windows Media Settings file |
.prz | Freelance Graphics 97 file |
.ps | PostScript file (text/graphics) (ASCII) |
.ps2 | PostScript Level 2 file |
.psb | Pinnacle Sound Bank |
.psd | Adobe Photoshop file |
.pse | Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment) |
.psf | Photoshop Proof Settings file |
.psi | PSION A-law Audio |
.psm | Music (MASI – ProTracker) |
.psmdoc | PrintShop Mail |
.psp | PaintShop Pro Image |
.psr | Project Scheduler Resource file |
.pst | MS Outlook personal folder |
.psw | WinXP Backup Password File |
.pt3 | Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.pt4 | Template (PageMaker 4) |
.ptb | Script (PubTech BatchWorks) |
.ptm | Macro (PubTech BatchWorks) |
.ptn | PaperPort Thumbnail Images |
.ptp | Act! Modem Sync file |
.ptr | Qwk reader pointer file (QMail) |
.pts | Infinity Engine Game Tileset |
.ptx | Real Legal E-Transcript |
.pub | Page template (MS Publisher) |
.put | Compressed file archive created by PUT ( |
.puz | Across Lite Crossword Puzzle |
.pva | Hauppauge DVB-Software |
.pvd | Script (Instalit) |
.pvl | Library (Instalit) |
.pvm | Parallel Virtual Machine software library |
.pvt | Local Fidonet pointlist |
.pw | Text file (Professional Write) |
.pwd | Pocket Word document |
.pwf | ProCite Workforms |
.pwi | Pocket Word document |
.pwl | Password List |
.pwm | WebMoney Purse file |
.pwp | Text document (Professional WritePlus) |
.pwz | MS Powerpoint Wizard |
.px | Primary database index (Paradox) |
.pxl | Pocket Excel Spreadsheet |
.pxv | Modelworks Project File used in JPad Pro and SitePad Pro |
.py | Python script file |
.pyc | Compiled PYTHON script file |
.pyd | Binary Python Extension on Windows |
.pyw | Python GUI Script on Windows |
.pz2 | Curious Labs Poser Pose file |
.pz3 | Curious Labs Poser Document |
.pza | MGI PhotoSuite II/III/4 Album file |
.pzd | Default settings (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzl | [email protected] Puzzle |
.pzo | Overlay file (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzp | MGI PhotoSuite II/III/4 Project file |
.pzs | Settings (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzt | Transfer file (Pizazz Plus) |
.pzx | Swap file (Pizazz Plus) |
.q05 | Intuit Canada Quick tax file, tax return file |
.q9q | BladePro Graphic Plugin file |
.qad | QuickArt database |
.qag | Quick Access Group (Norton Desktop) |
.qap | Application (Omnis Quartz) |
.qbb | QuickBooks for Windows Backup file |
.qbe | Saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV – Quattro Pro) |
.qbk | Intuit Canada Quick tax file, backup copy of tax return file |
.qbl | Business Lawyer Document |
.qbo | Compiled query (dBASE IV) |
.qbr | QuickBooks Report |
.qbw | Spreadsheet (QuickBooks for Windows) |
.qcn | Qualcomm Phonebook file |
.qcp | Qualcomm PureVoice File |
.qd0 | Data file – segment 10 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd1 | Data file – segment 1 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd2 | Data file – segment 2 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd3 | Data file – segment 3 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd4 | Data file – segment 4 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd5 | Data file – segment 5 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd6 | Data file – segment 6 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd7 | Data file – segment 7 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd8 | Data file – segment 8 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qd9 | Data file – segment 9 (Omnis Quartz) |
.qdat | Quicktime Installer Cache |
.qdb | Quicken data file |
.qdf | Quicken for Windows data file |
.qdt | Quark Xpress Dictionary file |
.qdv | Graphics (Steve Blackstock Giffer) |
.qe4 | Kingpin Project file |
.qef | Query file (Q+E for MS Excel) |
.qel | Quicken Electronic Library file |
.qfl | Quicken Family Lawyer file |
.qfx | Quicken Financial Exchange file |
.qhf | QIP PDA History file |
.qic | Backup set for Microsoft Backup |
.qif | Quicken Interchange Format |
.qix | NovaStar Backup file |
.qlb | Quick library (MS C/C++) |
.qlc | Data (PostScript help file) atmfonts.qlc |
.qlf | Family Tree Maker Genealogy file |
.qlp | Printer driver (QuickLink) |
.qm | Virtual Box Language file |
.qm4 | Options or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door) |
.qml | Quick Markup Language file |
.qph | Intuit Quicken Price History file |
.qpr | Generated query program (FoxPro) |
.qpw | Quattro Pro Project file |
.qpx | Compiled query program (FoxPro) |
.qrp | QuickReport Report files |
.qrs | Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.qrt | Qrt ray tracing graphics |
.qru | SQL Query file |
.qry | Query (dBASE IV) |
.qsd | Quicken for Windows data file |
.qsi | Quintessential Stereotaxic Injector Commander log files |
.qst | Quake Spy Tab file |
.qt | Quicktime movie (animation) |
.qtc | Incite Media Assistant file |
.qtk | Apple QuickTake file format for Windows |
.qtl | Quick Time Media Link file |
.qtp | QuickTime Preferences |
.qts | Macintosh PICT image |
.qtx | QuickTime image |
.que | CuteFTP Queue file |
.qvm | Quake file |
.qvs | Casio Digital Camera file |
.qw | Symantec Q&A Write file |
.qwk | QWK reader message file |
.qxd | QuarkXPress document file format |
.qxl | Element library (QuarkXPress) |
.qxp | QuarkXPress project file |
.qxt | Template file (QuarkXpress) |
.r | Ratfor (FORTRAN preprosessor) file |
.r33 | Train Simulator Game file |
.r8 | Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab) |
.r8p | Pcl 4 bitmap font file (Intellifont) |
.ra | Music (RealAudio) |
.ram | Ramfile (RealAudio) |
.rar | Compressed file archive created by RAR (rar1_402.exe) |
.ras | Sun Rasterfile graphics |
.rat | Datafile (RATS) |
.raw | Raw RGB 24-bit graphics |
.rb | Ruby on Rails class file |
.rbf | Windows Installer Rollback file |
.rbn | Richard’s Bridge Notation |
.rbs | Windows Installer Rollback Script file |
.rbx | Format for playing RapidPlayer v3.0 ActiveX Control in Explorer |
.rc | Resource script (Visual C/C++ – Borland C++) |
.rcf | Rhapsody Storage file |
.rcg | Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg) |
.rcp | Recomposer’s MIDI Sequencer Music file |
.rcx | Lego Mindstorms Robotics Invention System |
.rdb | TrueVector Rules database |
.rdf | Compiled UIC source code (Geoworks UI Compiler) |
.rdi | Device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format) |
.rds | Ray Dream Studio file |
.rdx | Datafile (Reflex) |
.rec | Datafile (EpiInfo) |
.red | Path info (Clarion Modula-2) |
.ref | Cross-reference |
.reg | OLE Registration (Windows 3.x) |
.rels | Microsoft Office 2007 Relationships |
.rem | Encrypted Data file |
.rep | QWK reader reply file |
.req | Request |
.res | Compiled resource (MS C/C++ – Borland C++) |
.rev | Revision file (Geoworks) |
.rex | Rexx source code file |
.rex | Report definition (Oracle) |
.rez | Resource file |
.rf | Sun raster graphics |
.rfl | Roll Forward Log file |
.rft | Dca/RFT Revisable Format Text file (IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1) |
.rgb | Sgi RGB image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.rgi | RealArcade Game Installer |
.rgp | RealArcade Game Package |
.rgs | RealArcade Game Installer |
.rgx | Symbol tables etc. info (ReaGeniX code generator) |
.rh | Resource header file (Borland C++ 4.5) |
.rhp | Rhapsody Notation Program File Format |
.ri | Data (Lotus 1-2-3) |
.rib | Graphics in Renderman format (3DReality) |
.ric | Fax (Ricoh) |
.rif | Riff bitmap graphics (Fractal Design Painter) |
.rip | Graphics (Remote Access) |
.rix | Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX VGA Paint) |
.rl4 | Bitmap graphics |
.rl8 | Bitmap graphics |
.rla | Wavefront raster image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.rlb | Data (Harvard Graphics Win) hgw.rlb |
.rlc | Graphics 1bit/pixel scanner output |
.rle | Utah Run Length Encoded raster graphic (SDSC Image Tool) |
.rlz | Realizer source code file (CA-Realizer) |
.rm | RealMedia file |
.rm | RealMedia |
.rmf | Rich Map Format |
.rmi | Midi file (RIFF RMID format) |
.rmj | Real Jukebox file |
.rmk | Makefile (Clipper RMake) |
.rmm | RealPlayer file |
.rmr | Resume Maker file |
.rms | Secure Real Media file |
.rmvb | Video file for Realplayer |
.rmvb | Real Media video file |
.rmx | RealJukeBox MP3 file |
.rn | Xpl program for Nota Bene users |
.rnd | Rendering Slide (AutoCAD AutoShade) |
.rno | Runoff file (VAX) |
.roi | Actuate ReportBlast file |
.rol | Fm music Adlib Music File (Roland) |
.rpd | Database (RapidFile) |
.rpl | Text document (Replica) |
.rpm | RedHat Package Manager |
.rps | Propellerhead Software Reason Song |
.rpt | Report |
.rrd | ERDAS Imagine file |
.rs | Data file (Amiga Resource – Reassembler) |
.rs_ | Resource fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette) |
.rsb | Red Storm Image Format |
.rsc | Resource file |
.rsm | ReliaSoft MPC 3 |
.rsp | Response file |
.rss | Rockwell Logix PLC file |
.rst | ANSYS Results |
.rsw | ReliaSoft BlockSim |
.rtc | Live Meeting Connection file |
.rtf | Rich Text Format text file (many – Windows Word) |
.rtl | Run Time Library (NU 7.0) |
.rtp | Turbo Tax Update file |
.rts | Runtime library file (CA-Realizer) |
.rtx | Reliacast Audience Manager Turnstile |
.ru | JavaSoft Library file |
.rul | InstallShield |
.run | RunScanner Saved file |
.rv | RealVideo Video file |
.rvb | Rhinoscript file |
.rvp | MS Scan Configuration file |
.rvw | Review |
.rwg | Random Word Generator List file |
.rws | Resource Workshop data file (Borland C++) |
.rwx | Script (RenderWare) |
.rwz | MS Outlook Rules Wizard file |
.rzk | Red Zion File Crypt (password file) |
.rzr | in-sync Speed Razor Project file |
.rzx | in-sync Speed Razor Project file |
.s | Assembly source code file (Unix) |
.s$$ | Temporary sort file (Sprint) |
.s3m | Music (16 channels) (Scream Tracker 3.0) |
.sac | Shared Asset Catalog (Adobe) |
.saf | MusicMatch Jukebox Secure Audio file |
.sah | [email protected] data file |
.sal | Datafile (SORITEC) |
.sam | Text file (Samna – Lotus Ami/Ami Pro) |
.sar | Compressed file archive created by SAR ( |
.sas | SAS System program |
.sas7bcat | SAS System file catalog |
.sas7bdat | SAS System data set |
.sas7bndx | SAS System index |
.sas7bpgm | SAS System Stored Program |
.sas7bvew | SAS Data Set View |
.sas7mdb | SAS System multidimensional database |
.sat | Standard ACIS Text file |
.sav | Backup file (saved file) |
.sb | Audio file (signed byte) |
.sbc | Sagebrush Corporation Spectrum CIRC/CAT Report |
.sbd | Storyboard (Storyboard Editor) |
.sbi | Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs) |
.sbj | Micrografx Clipart or Palette file |
.sbn | ArcView file (GIS) |
.sbp | Dml program (Superbase 4) |
.sbr | Support file (Source Browser) |
.sbs | SWAT HRU Output file |
.sbt | Notes related to record (Suberbase 4 Windows) |
.sbx | ArcView file (GIS) |
.sc | Pal script (Paradox) |
.sc3 | Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV) |
.sca | Datafile (SCA) |
.scc | Text file |
.scd | Scodl Scan Conversion Object Description Language graphics |
.scf | Multimedia show (ScoreMaker) |
.sch | Project schedule (Schedule Publisher) |
.sci | System Configuration Information |
.scm | Scheme source code file |
.scn | Screen file (Kermit) |
.sco | High score |
.scp | Script (BITCOM) |
.scr | Debug source code file (DOS Debug) |
.sct | Screen memo (FoxPro) |
.scx | Bitmap graphics (ColorRIX) |
.scy | Security file (ReaGeniX) |
.sda | Fidonet’s Software Distribution Network file archive description |
.sdc | StarOffice Spreadsheet |
.sdd | StarOffice Presentation |
.sdf | System Data Format file (fixed lenght ASCII text) |
.sdi | Software Distribution Network Info file |
.sdn | Software Distribution Network compressd file archive (pak251.exe) |
.sdr | SmartDraw file |
.sds | Chart Application Document file |
.sdt | SmartDraw Template |
.sdu | Edwards Systems Technology file |
.sdw | StarOffice Text |
.sea | Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive |
.sec | CyberPaint animation file (sequence) |
.sed | Self Extraction Directive file |
.sep | Printer separator page |
.seq | Atari animation file |
.ses | Session info (Clarion Modula-2) |
.set | Configuration (1st Reader) |
.sf | Ircam Sound File (CSound package – MixView sound sample editor) |
.sf2 | Creative Labs Soundfont file |
.sfb | HP Soft Font file |
.sfc | System File Checker file |
.sff | Fritz Fax-Print file |
.sfi | Graphics (SIS Framegrabber) |
.sfl | Pcl 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher) |
.sfn | Font (SPX) |
.sfo | CuteFTP Search file |
.sfp | Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher) |
.sfs | Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont) |
.sft | Screen font (ChiWriter) |
.sfv | QuickSFV/WinSFV Checksum file |
.sfw | Seattle Film Works file |
.sfx | Self Extracting Archive file |
.sg1 | Graphics (Stanford Graphics) |
.sgf | Document with graphics (Starwriter) |
.sgi | Graphics (IRIS – Silicon Graphics) |
.sgm | Standard Generalized Markup Language file |
.sgn | Sierra Print Artist Sign |
.sgp | Statistics (STATGRAPHICS Plus) |
.sgt | Save/get keyboard macro (Signature) |
.sh | Unix shell script |
.sh3 | Presentation (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.sha | Shell Archive file |
.shb | Background (CorelShow) |
.shd | Microsoft Windows Shadow file |
.shg | Segmented-graphics bitmap |
.shk | Compressed Apple II file archive created by SHRINKIT |
.shm | Shell macro (WordPerfect Library) |
.shn | Shorten audio compression file |
.shp | Shape file and source file for text fonts (AutoCAD) |
.shr | Unix ASCII file archive created by SHAR ( |
.shs | Microsoft Word or Excel scrap file which is created when you drag and drop selected text |
.shtml | HTML File with Server Side |
.shw | Presentation (Harvard Graphics 2.0 – CorelShow) |
.shx | Shape entities (AutoCAD) |
.sid | Commodore64 Music file |
.sif | Setup Installation Files info (Windows NT Setup) |
.sig | Current program settings (Signature) |
.sik | Backup file (Sicherungskopie) (MS Word) |
.sim | Aurora |
.sis | SymbianOS Installer file |
.sit | Compressed Macintosh archive created by STUFFIT ( |
.sitx | Stuffit SITX Compressed File |
.skb | SketchUp software file (3D Design Tool) |
.skf | Autosketch file |
.skin | Skin file |
.skm | Google Sketchup Texture file |
.skn | Interface skins images (FileWrangler, SecurDesk!, SecurDesk! LV, ZipWrangler) |
.skp | Sketchup software component (3D Design Tool) |
.sl | S-Lang source code file |
.slb | Slide library (AutoCAD) |
.slc | Compiled SALT script (Telix) |
.sld | Slide (AutoCAD) |
.slf | BitDefender file |
.sli | Slide (MAGICorp Slide Service) |
.slk | Sylk Symbolic Link format data file (MultiPlan) |
.sll | Sound data file |
.sln | Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file |
.slt | Salt Script Application Language for Telix script source (Telix) |
.sm | Smalltalk source code file |
.smc | Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image |
.smd | StarOffice Mail |
.smf | Fax (SMARTFAX) |
.smi | RealPlay SMIL file |
.smil | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language file |
.smk | Compressed File (Smacker) |
.smm | Macro (Ami Pro) |
.smp | Sample (sound file) |
.sms | Microsoft Package Definition file |
.smt | Text file (Smart Ware II) |
.smtmp | SMTMP Virus |
.snd | Digitized sound file (Macintosh/ATARI/PC) |
.sng | Song (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio – Prism) |
.snm | Netscape mail |
.sno | Snobol4 source code file |
.snp | CoffeeCup HTML Editor Snippet |
.snx | Mirage Microdrive Snapshot Extended Version |
.so | Apache Module file |
.sol | Flash shared object file |
.som | Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro) |
.son | Song (SBStudio II) |
.sou | Sound data (sound tool) |
.sp | Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (unix) |
.spa | Macromedia FutureSplash file |
.spc | Program (MS Multiplan) |
.spd | Scalable font (Speedo) (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.spf | Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics) |
.spg | Glossary (Sprint) |
.spi | Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner) |
.spi | InConSoft Ltd. Sim-Path system files |
.spl | Compressed file archive created by SPLINT (splint.arc) |
.spm | Data (WordPerfect) wp{wp}.spm |
.spo | Statistical Program (SPSS) |
.spp | Printer file (Sprint) |
.spr | Document letter (Sprint) |
.sps | Spssx source code file (VAX/VMS) |
.spt | Spitbol source code file |
.spv | InConSoft Ltd Sim-Path vehicle file |
.spw | Worksheet (SigmaPlot) |
.spx | Compiled screen program (FoxPro) |
.sql | SQL report or query |
.sqlite | SQLite Database file |
.sqm | Service Quality Monitoring file |
.sqz | Compressed file archive created by SQUEEZE (sqz1083e.exe) |
.src | Source (DataFlex) |
.srf | Sun Raster File graphics |
.srp | Script (QuickLink) |
.srt | BSplayer Subtitle file |
.ss | Bitmap graphics (Splash) |
.ssa | Subtitles |
.ssb | SmartSync Pro |
.ssd | Datafile (SAS/PC) |
.ssf | Snagit file |
.ssm | RealPlayer Standard Streaming Metafile |
.ssp | Datafile (SAS Transport) |
.st | Smalltalk source code file (Little Smalltalk) |
.st3 | MIDI Karaoke file |
.sta | Adobe Photoshop Match Colour Image Statistics file |
.stb | Stub library (Genus GX Kernel) |
.std | State Transition Diagram graphic file (Prosa) |
.stf | Compressed file archive created by SHRINKTOFIT |
.stg | ActiveSync (Microsoft) Backup file |
.stl | C++ Standard Template Library |
.stm | State Transition Diagram model file (Prosa) |
.stn | ArcView Geocoding Standardization file |
.sto | Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel) |
.stp | Sharepoint Web Site Template File |
.str | Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator) |
.sts | Project status info (MS C/C++) |
.stt | Automap Template |
.stu | Tarantella Enterprise 3 3270 Emulator Style file |
.stw | Data file (SmartTerm for Windows) |
.stx | Electronic book (SmarText) |
.sty | Style library or sheet (many text and graphics programs) |
.sub | CloneCd related file |
.sui | Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit) |
.sum | Summary |
.sun | Sun rasterfile graphics |
.sup | Supplementary dictionary (WordPerfect for Win) |
.sv4 | RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game |
.svd | Autosave file for document (MS Word) |
.svg | Autosave file for glossary (MS Word) |
.svgz | Compressed Scaleable Graphic file |
.svp | WISCO Survey Power |
.svs | Autosave file for style sheet (MS Word) |
.sw | Audio file (signed word) |
.swd | Storybook file |
.swf | ShockWave Flash object |
.swg | Swag packet (SWAG Reader) |
.swi | Swish Data file |
.swk | Swapkeys Keyboard File |
.swp | Document backup (Sprint) |
.sxc | StarOffice / OpenOffice Spreadsheet file |
.sxw | Writer 6.0 text file |
.sy1 | Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro) |
.sy3 | Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.syd | Backup of startup files created by QEMM (?) autoexec.syd |
.sym | Precompiled headers (Borland C++) |
.syn | Sdsc Synu image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.sys | Datafile (SYGRAPH – SYSTAT – SPSS/PC) |
.syw | Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics Win) |
.szc | Windows Mobile 5 (Pocket PC) |
.t | Tads source |
.t$m | AVG Internet Security Temporary file |
.t04 | TaxCut 2004 file |
.t05 | TaxCut 2005 Tax Return |
.t06 | TaxCut 2006 Tax Return |
.t07 | TaxCut 2007 Tax Return |
.t08 | TaxCut 2008 Tax Return |
.t09 | H&R Block At Home 2009 Tax Return |
.t10 | H&R Block At Home 2010 Tax Return |
.t11 | H&R Block At Home 2011 Tax Return |
.t12 | H&R Block At Home 2012 Tax Return |
.t2 | Textease 2000 file |
.t44 | Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBASE IV) |
.t64 | Program (C64S emulator) |
.ta0 | TaxAct file |
.tab | Guitar Tablature file |
.tag | Query tag name (DataFlex) |
.tah | Turbo Assembler Help file (Borland C++) |
.tal | Text illustration (TypeAlign) |
.tao | IsoBuster file |
.tar | Compressed file archive created by TAR (pax2exe.zoo) |
.tax | TurboTax file |
.taz | Compressed ASCII file archive created by TAR and COMPRESS (.tar.Z) |
.tb1 | Font file (Borland Turbo C) |
.tb2 | Font file (Borland Turbo C) |
.tbf | Fax (Imavox TurboFax) |
.tbh | Mah Jongg for Windows Tile Set |
.tbk | Memo backup (dBASE IV – FoxPro) |
.tbl | Graphics (native format) (Adobe PageMaker TableEditor) |
.tbs | Text elements ?? (Textbausteine) (MS Word) |
.tbx | Table (Project Scheduler 4) |
.tc | Configuration (Turbo C – Borland C++) |
.tch | Turbo C Help file (Borland C++) |
.tcl | Tool Command Language source code (Swat) |
.tcp | 3D Topicscape (exported inter-Topicscape topic link) |
.tcw | Drawing (TurboCAD for Windows) |
.td | Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for DOS) |
.td0 | Disk image file (Teledisk) |
.td2 | Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for Win32) |
.tdb | Database (TACT) |
.tdf | Font (TheDraw) |
.tdh | Help file (Turbo Debugger) |
.tdk | Keystroke recording file (Turbo Debugger) |
.tds | Symbol table (Turbo Debugger) |
.tdt | ASCII Data File in CSV Format |
.tdw | Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for Windows) |
.tee | TeeChart Office graphic |
.tef | Fax (Relisys TEFAX) |
.tel | Host file (Telnet) |
.tem | Turbo Editor Macro Language script (Borland C++) |
.temp | Temporary file |
.test | Test File Extension |
.tex | LaTeX Source Document file |
.text | ASCII Text file |
.tf | Configuration (Turbo Profiler) |
.tfa | Area file (Turbo Profiler) |
.tfc | Catalogue file (Tobi’s Floppy Cataloguer) |
.tfh | Help file (Turbo Profiler) |
.tfm | Tex Font Metric file (TeX) |
.tfs | Statistics (Turbo Profiler) |
.tfw | ArcView World File For TIF Image |
.tg1 | Project file (On Target) |
.tga | Truevision Targa bitmap graphics |
.tgz | Compressed file archive created by TAR and GNUzip (.tar.gz) |
.thb | KinuPix Skin |
.thd | Thread |
.thm | Thumbnail Image file |
.thn | Graphics Workshop for Windows Thumbnail |
.ths | Thesaurus dictionary (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tib | Acronis True Image file |
.tif | Tagged Image File Format bitmap graphics (PageMaker – CorelDRAW) |
.tiff | Tagged Image File Format |
.til | Fuzzy logic knowledge base (Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler) |
.tim | Playstation Game Texture Image |
.tis | Tile set (MahJongg 3.0) |
.tix | ASA for UNIX Terminfo Extension file |
.tjl | Backup file (VAXTPU editor) |
.tlb | OLE Type Library |
.tlc | Compiled Tool Command Language source code (Swat) |
.tlp | Project (TimeLine) |
.tlt | Trellix Web Design file |
.tmb | Timbuktu Pro Connection Document |
.tmd | Document (TextMaker) |
.tmf | Tagged Font Metric file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tmo | Ztg global optimizer default output file (Zortech C++) |
.tmp | Temporary file |
.tmpl | eMule Web Interface Template file |
.tmq | TestMaster file |
.tms | Script (Telemate) |
.tmv | Template (TextMaker) |
.toc | Table Of Contents |
.tol | Kodak Photoenhancer |
.TOPC | TopicCrunch project file for saving and resubmitting SEO searches |
.tos | Self-extracting file archive (Atari ST) |
.tp | Configuration (Turbo Pascal) |
.tp3 | Template (Harvard Graphics 3.0) |
.tpb | Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup (HiJaak) |
.tpf | Downloadable PCL Soft font file (HiJaak) |
.tph | Help file (Turbo Pascal) |
.tpi | Microsoft Test file |
.tpl | Document Template file |
.tpp | Protected Mode Units (Borland Pascal 7.0) |
.tps | Clarion for Windows data file |
.tpu | Turbo Pascal Unit (BGI) (Turbo Pascal) |
.tpw | Session-state file (Turbo Profiler for Windows) |
.tpz | Compressed file archive created by TAR and GNUzip (.tar.gz) |
.tr | Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for DOS) |
.tr2 | Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Win32) |
.trace | ECXpert Debugging file |
.trc | Debug support file (Power CTrace) |
.tre | Directory tree file (PC-Tools) |
.trg | Symantec LiveUpdate file |
.tri | Trigram file |
.trk | Kermit Script file |
.trm | Terminal settings (Windows 3.x) |
.trn | Translation support file (Quattro) |
.trp | Tripmaker file |
.trs | Executable file (Micrografx) |
.trw | Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Windows) |
.trx | Router Firmware file |
.ts | Transport Stream file |
.tsk | Skins for Pocket PC PDAs |
.tsp | Windows Telephony Service Provider |
.tst | Printer test file (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tsv | Tab Separated Value file |
.tt10 | Turbotax 2010 Return file |
.tta | The True Audio Codec file |
.ttc | OpenType font file |
.ttf | Truetype Font file |
.tub | PaintShop Pro Tube file |
.tut | Tutorial |
.tv | Table view settings (Paradox) |
.tv1 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv2 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv3 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv4 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv5 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv6 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv7 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv8 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tv9 | Overflow file above insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect for Win) |
.tvf | Table view settings (dBASE) |
.tvo | TeveoLive |
.tvp | NVIDIA Graphic Card Update file |
.tvr | Navicat for MySQL file |
.tvt | RealPlayer |
.txd | Grand Theft Auto 3 Texture file |
.txf | Compressed file archive created by TAR and FREEZE (.tar.f) |
.txi | Support file (TeX) |
.txl | Genesis3D Texture file |
.txt | Text file |
.tym | Time Stamp (PageMaker 4) |
.tz | Compressed file archive created by TAR and COMPRESS (.tar.Z) |
.tzb | Compressed file archive created by TAR – COMPRESS – BTOA (.tar.Z.btoa) |
.uax | Unreal Audio file |
.ub | Audio file (unsigned byte) |
.uc2 | Compressed file archive created by UltraCompressor II ( |
.ucn | New compressed file archive created by UltraCompressor II |
.ucs | Universal Classification Standard Database file |
.udc | Acrobat Spelling file |
.udf | Filter (Photostyler) |
.udl | MS Data Link |
.uds | Sierra Generations Family file |
.ue2 | Encrypted file archive created by UltraCompressor II |
.ufo | Ulead PhotoImpact Graphic file |
.uha | UHARC Compressed Archive file |
.uhs | Universal Hint System (binary file) |
.ui | Espire source code file (Geoworks UI Compiler) |
.uif | MagicISO Disc Image file |
.uih | Espire header file (Geoworks UI Compiler) |
.uis | WindowBlinds (Copyright Neil Banfield &, Inc.) |
.ul | Ulaw audio file |
.uld | Information about uploaded files (Procomm Plus) |
.ult | Music (UltraTracker) |
.umb | Backup file (MemMaker) |
.umd | Universal Media Disc file |
.umf | Stockmoves, MOTEK BV |
.umx | Unreal music file |
.uni | Unimod music module (MIKMOD) |
.unl | Garmin Unlock file |
.unq | Fax View file |
.uns2 | Ultra Notes Backup file |
.unx | Text file containing UNIX specific info |
.upd | Program update info |
.upg | Firmware Upgrade file |
.upo | Compiled update data (dBASE) |
.upx | ULead Photo Express Saved Image file |
.url | Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut) |
.urls | GetRight URL List file |
.usb | D-Link FM Radio Update |
.user | Visual Studio User Options file |
.usp | Printer font with USASCII extended character set (PageMaker) |
.usr | User database file (Procomm Plus – Turbo C++ tour) |
.utf | AOL Updating Files |
.utl | Sound file |
.utx | Unreal Engine Texture file |
.uu | Compressed ASCII file archive created by UUDE/ENCODE |
.uue | Compressed ASCII file archive created by UUENCODE (uuexe515.exe) |
.uvf | CSV (comma separated value) format. Used by Netica |
.uvr | Ulead Cool 360 Viewer file |
.uw | Audio file (unsigned word) |
.uwl | WordPerfect User Word List file |
.v | Consistency check support file (ReaGeniX code generator) |
.v2 | Microsoft Live Messenger data file |
.v64 | Nintento 64 Emulation ROM Image |
.val | Validity checks and referential integrity (Paradox for Windows) |
.van | Animation (VistaPro) |
.var | Variable file (IconAuthor) |
.vbc | Visual Business Cards |
.vbd | ActiveX file |
.vbe | VBScript Encoded Script file |
.vbn | Norton Corporate anti-virus quarantined file |
.vbp | Visual Basic Project file |
.vbs | Visual Basic Script file (Visual Basic) |
.vbw | Visual Basic Project Workplace (Visual Basic) |
.vbx | Visual Basic eXtension (Visual Basic) |
.vc | Include file with color definitions (Vivid 2.0) |
.vc4 | Virtual CD/DVD Image file |
.vcd | VisualCADD Drawing file |
.vce | Visual CE Class Type file |
.vcf | VCard file |
.vch | Interlock Public Computer Utility |
.vcmf | VAIO Content Metadata file |
.vcs | vCalender file |
.vcw | Visual workbench information (MS Visual C++) |
.vcx | Spreatsheet (VisiCalc Advanced) |
.vda | Bitmap graphics |
.vdb | Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition Update file |
.vdf | Avira AntiVir virus definition file |
.vdi | Virtual Disk Images files |
.vdj | Virtual DJ Sample file |
.vdm | VDM Play |
.vdr | Drawing (ComputerEasy Draw) |
.vdx | XML for Visio Drawing file |
.vem | VeePro Embroidery Software Format |
.ver | Version Description file |
.vew | View file (Clipper 5, Lotus Approach) |
.vfm | Voting Form (Voter) |
.vfn | Voting Form for Customers (Voter) |
.vfp | TMPGEnc VFAPI Plug-in |
.vfs | Virtual File System Index |
.vfx | Ulead Video Studio Sample file |
.vga | Vga display driver |
.vgd | Vga display driver (Generic CADD) |
.vgr | Graphics (Ventura Publisher) |
.vhd | Virtual Hard Disk file |
.vi | Graphics (Jovian Logic VI) |
.vic | Vicar graphics |
.vid | Video file |
.vif | Khoros Visualization image file (SDSC Image Tool) |
.vik | Viking graphics |
.vir | Virus Infected file |
.vis | Vis graphics |
.viv | VivoActive Player Video file |
.vlm | Ashlar-Vellum file |
.vlt | WinVault Container file |
.vm | Virtual Memory file (Geoworks) |
.vm1 | Panasonic SD Voice Editor file |
.vmc | Virtual memory configuration (Acrobat reader) |
.vmdk | VMware Image file |
.vmf | Font characteristics (Ventura Publisher) |
.vmg | Text Message files |
.vml | Vector Markup Language |
.vmo | Mobile Phone voice file (Siemens Sl45) |
.vmp | Logos Library System 2.x Verse Map |
.vms | Text file containing VMS specific info |
.vmt | Valve Material file. Details how a material is to be rendered |
.vmx | VMware Configuration file |
.vnt | vNote file |
.vo | Include file with object definition (Vivid 2.0) |
.vob | DVD video movie file |
.voc | Digitized samples (Creative Voice file) |
.vof | Object folder (VZ Programmer) |
.vol | VOL Archive file |
.vor | Template |
.vox | Vox Audio |
.vp6 | TrueMotion VP6 Video file |
.vpa | Excite Chat Gestures file |
.vpd | Virpet Performance Descriptor |
.vpg | Graphics (VPGraphics) |
.vpk | Steam Package Archive file |
.vpl | Karaoke Player Playlist file |
.vpp | Virtual Pool Game |
.vqe | Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator File |
.vqf | Yamaha Sound-VQ File |
.vql | Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator File |
.vrd | VRScape data file |
.vrm | Overlay file (QuattroPro) |
.vro | Panasonic DVD Recorder file |
.vrp | Project (WATCOM VX?Rexx) |
.vrs | Video Resource eg. video device driver (WordPerfect) |
.vs | Include file with surface definition (Vivid 2.0) |
.vsd | Diagram (Shapeware Visio) |
.vsl | GetRight Download List file |
.vsm | Simulation model (VisSim) |
.vsp | Visual Studio file |
.vss | Smartshapes file (Shapeware Visio) |
.vst | Truevision Vista bitmap graphics |
.vtf | Valve Texture file. Used to store texture data |
.vts | DVD File format |
.vtx | XML for Visio template file |
.vue | Animation (3D Studio) |
.vw | Text file (Volkswriter) |
.vw3 | Text file (Volkswriter 3) |
.vwl | VideoWave Video Wave Library |
.vwr | File viewer file (PC Tools) |
.vwt | VideoWave Thumbnail |
.vxd | Virtual device driver (MS Windows) |
.vyd | VyperHelp |
.w | Database AppBuilder Source Code file |
.w02 | Multiple Archive file |
.w30 | Printer font (AST TurboLaser) (Ventura Publisher) |
.w31 | Startup file (Windows 3.1) |
.w3g | Warcraft III file |
.w3m | Warcraft III Map file |
.w44 | Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBASE) |
.w5v | Winamp file |
.wab | Outlook File |
.wac | Infinity Game Engine WAVC Sound |
.wad | Doom Game file |
.waf | Mayim’s WAF Compiler file |
.wal | Winamp Skin file |
.war | Java Web Archive (used by Servlets) |
.wav | Waveform audio file (RIFF WAVE format) |
.wax | Windows Media Player Redirect file |
.wb1 | Notebook (Quattro Pro) |
.wb2 | Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro) |
.wb3 | Quattro Pro for Windows |
.wba | WindowBlinds Compressed Skin |
.wbc | Webshots Picture Collection |
.wbf | Ms Windows Batch File (Catch) |
.wbk | Document/workbook (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wbmp | Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap file |
.wbt | Batch file (WinBatch) |
.wbx | Webigger file |
.wbz | WebShots file |
.wcd | Macro token list (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wcm | Data transmission file (MS Works) |
.wcp | Product information description (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wd2 | Info Select for Palm Organizer file |
.wdb | Database (MS Works) |
.wdf | ReliaSoft Weibull 5.0 |
.wdl | Windows XP Watchdog Log file |
.web | Web source code file |
.wer | Microsoft Windows Error Report file |
.wfc | Windows Connect Now file |
.wfm | Form object (dBASE Form Designer) |
.wfn | Font (CorelDRAW) |
.wfx | Data file (Winfax) |
.wg1 | Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3/G) |
.wg2 | Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2) |
.wgt | Opera Widget file |
.wid | Width table (Ventura Publisher) |
.wim | Image Format file |
.win | Opera Saved Window file |
.wiz | Page wizard (MS Publisher) |
.wjp | WildTangent Branded .jpg file |
.wk1 | Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x – Symphony 1.1+) |
.wk3 | Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x) |
.wk4 | Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4) |
.wkb | Document (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wke | Spreatsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 educational version) |
.wkq | Spreatsheet (Quattro) |
.wks | Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A – Symphony 1.0 – MS Works) |
.wlk | Graphics (Virtus Walkthrough) |
.wll | Word Add-in |
.wlt | eWallet file |
.wma | Microsoft Active Streaming file |
.wmc | Backup of startup files by Windows MathCad autoexec.wmc |
.wmf | Windows MetaFile vector graphics |
.wml | Wireless Markup Language |
.wmv | MS Active Streaming file |
.wmz | Windows Media Compressed skin file |
.wn | Text (NeXT WriteNow) |
.wnf | Outline font description (CorelDRAW native format) |
.wo4 | STABCAL file |
.wo7 | STABCAL file |
.woa | Swap file (Windows 3.x) |
.woc | Microsoft Office 2007 Organization file |
.wor | MapInfo Workspace |
.wot | WebEx Saved Meeting Movie |
.wow | Music (8 channels) (Grave Mod Player) |
.wp | Text file (WordPerfect 4.2) |
.wp3 | Microsoft Photo Story Project file |
.wp5 | Document (WordPerfect 5.x) |
.wpd | Document (WordPerfect 6.0 – PFS:WindowWorks) |
.wpf | Fax (WorldPort) |
.wpg | WildTangent Branded .PNG file |
.wpj | MS Works Projects |
.wpk | Macros (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wpl | Windows Media Player Playlist file |
.wpm | Macros (WordPerfect) |
.wps | Text document (MS Works) |
.wpt | WordPerfect template |
.wpw | PerfectWorks document |
.wq! | Compressed spreadsheet (Quattro Pro) |
.wq1 | Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro) |
.wr1 | Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.1 – 1.2 – 2) |
.wrd | Template (Charisma) |
.wrf | used for WebEx recording. Microsoft office add-in for meeting |
.wri | Text file (Windows Write) |
.wrk | Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0) |
.wrl | Plain text VRML file |
.wrml | Plain text VRML file |
.wrp | Compressed Amiga file archive created by WARP |
.wrs | Windows Resource eg. printer driver (WordPerfect for Win) |
.ws | Text file (WordStar 5.0-6.0) |
.ws2 | Text file (WordStar 2000) |
.wsc | Windows scripting component file |
.wsd | Document (WordStar) |
.wsf | Windows Script file |
.wsf | Windows Script file |
.wsh | Windows Script Host Settings file |
.wsp | Workspace (Fortran PowerStation) |
.wsr | FirstStop WebSearch file |
.wss | Web Screen Saver file (Web Screen Saver 2008) |
.wss | Web Screen Saver file (Web Screen Saver 2008) |
.wst | Text file (WordStar) |
.wsx | WinMX Filesharing Program |
.wsz | Skin Zip file (WinAmp) |
.wtd | WinTune Document file |
.wtr | MS Encarta file |
.wv | WavPack compressed Audio file |
.wve | Component of a DIVX Movie Conversion |
.wvw | Backup Wonderware InTouch window file |
.wvx | Metafile |
.wwb | Button bar for document window (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wwk | Keyboard layout (WordPerfect for Win) |
.wwp | Worms World Party Teams file |
.wws | AutoRoute User Information |
.wwv | WildTangent Branded .WAV file |
.wxp | Document (EXP for Windows) |
.wxs | Easy Cross crosstitch file |
.wzg | WZebra file |
.wzs | Microsoft Word wizard |
.x | DirectX Object file |
.x01 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x02 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x03 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x04 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x05 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x06 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x07 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x08 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x09 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.x16 | Macromedia Program Extension (16-bit) |
.x32 | Macromedia Program Extension (32-bit) |
.xap | Silveright Application Package |
.xbel | XML Bookmark Exchange Language file |
.xbm | X11 Bitmap graphics |
.xcf | Gimp Image file |
.xdf | Milnta APL Transfer Function |
.xdw | X Windows Screen Dump file |
.xef | X-Genics eManager – XML form and data for eManager |
.xem | X-Genics eManager – Metered units / credit definition for forms/file usage in eManager |
.xep | X-Genics eManager – File packaging / unpacking information for eManager components |
.xes | X-Genics eManager – XML definition for UI skins |
.xet | X-Genics eManager – XML definition for eManager process |
.xev | X-Genics eManager – File download definition for auto-update and delivery of new procedures |
.xez | X-Genics eManager – Template package for eManager |
.xfd | XML Form in XFDL Format |
.xfdl | Extensible Forms Description Language file |
.xfn | Printer font (Xerox 4045) (Ventura Publisher) |
.xft | 24 pin printer font (ChiWriter) |
.xfx | Fax File (various) |
.xhtml | Extensible HyperText Markup Language file |
.xi | Fast Tracker 2 Instrument or ScreamTracker Instrument file |
.xif | Wang image file |
.xla | Xlib Archive ( |
.xla | Add-in macro sheet (MS Excel) |
.xlb | Data (MS Excel) |
.xlc | Chart document (MS Excel) |
.xlk | Excel Backup |
.xll | Excel Dynamic Link Library (MS Excel) |
.xlm | Macro sheet (MS Excel) |
.xlr | MS Works file |
.xls | Spreadsheet(MS Works) |
.xlsm | Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file |
.xlsx | Microsoft Excel XML file |
.xlt | Template (MS Excel) |
.xlw | Workbook (MS Excel) |
.xlx | XoloX Incomplete Download file |
.xm | Music (Fast Tracker) |
.xmi | Compressed eXtended MIdi music |
.xml | Extensible Markup Language file |
.xmp | Extensible Metadata Platform |
.xnf | Standard Network File form |
.xnk | Microsoft Exchange Shortcut |
.xpi | XPInstall File |
.xpl | Music file |
.xpm | X11 Pixel Map graphics |
.xpr | Memorex CD-ROM label file |
.xps | XML Paper Specification file |
.xpt | Mozilla Firefox Component file |
.xpv | digital surveillance system |
.xpw | Leading Market Technologies EXPO |
.xqt | Executable file (Waffle) |
.xrf | Cross-reference file |
.xsd | XML Schema file |
.xsf | Milnta APL Transfer Function |
.xsl | Extensible Stylesheet Language file |
.xspf | XML Shareable Playlist file |
.xss | Ability Office Spreadsheet |
.xtb | External translation table (LocoScript) |
.xtm | Xtremsplit Data file |
.xtr | MapTool file (an add-on for UI-View) |
.xul | XML User Interface Language file |
.xvb | WinExplorer VB Script |
.xvid | Xvid Video file |
.xvl | Compact 3D file format for web apps.(Lattice 3D) |
.xwd | X Window System window dump image graphics (SDSC Image Tool) |
.xwk | Keyboard mapping (Crosstalk) |
.xwp | Session (Crosstalk) |
.xx | Compressed file ASCII archive created by XXENCODE (uuexe515.exe) |
.xxe | Compressed file ASCII archive created by XXENCODE (uuexe515.exe) |
.xxx | Singer Sewing Machine Professional SewWare file |
.xy | Text file (XY Write) |
.xy3 | Text file (XYWrite III) |
.xyw | Text file (XyWrite III) |
.xyz | ASCII RPG Maker Graphic Format |
.xz | XZ Compressed Archive file |
.y | Yacc grammar file |
.y01 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y02 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y03 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y04 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y05 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y06 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y07 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y08 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.y09 | Secondary index (Paradox) |
.yab | Yabasic Source Code file |
.yal | Data (Arts & Letters) |
.ybk | Microsoft Encarta Yearbook file |
.ychat | Yahoo! Messenger chat log |
.yenc | yEnc file |
.ymg | Yahoo! Messenger file |
.yml | YAML file |
.ync | yEnc Encoded file |
.yps | Yahoo! Messenger Data file |
.yuv | YUV Encoded Image or Video file |
.yz | Compressed file archive created by YAC |
.yz1 | Yamazaki ZIPPER file |
.z | Compressed file ASCII archive created by COMPRESS ( |
.z01 | Winzip Split Archive file |
.z02 | Split Archive file |
.z1 | ZoneAlarm Renamed VB file |
.z3 | Infocom game module |
.zap | Zero Administration Package file |
.zbd | Canon ZoomBrowser Database file |
.zdb | Zimbra Connector for Microsoft Outlook (ZCO), a plug-in for Outlook used to manage Zimbra email accounts |
.zdct | After Effects Language file |
.zdg | Compressed ZiffNet text document (Zview) |
.zdl | Design Pro Label file |
.zdp | ZDNet Password Pro 32 |
.zer | Data file (Zerberus) |
.zfx | ZFX – CC3 File Packer Tool |
.zgm | Graphics (Zenographics) |
.zhtml | Secure IE Zipped HTML file |
.zi | Renamed Zip file |
.zif | Zooming Image Format file |
.zip | ZIP Compressed file archive |
.zipx | WinZip Compressed file |
.zix | Quicken Data file |
.zl | Zlib Compressed file |
.zl? | Zone Alarm Mailsafe Renamed File. |
.zls | Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processing file |
.zmc | ZoneAlarm Mailsafe |
.zom | Compressed Amiga file archive created by ZOOM |
.zon | Grand Theft Auto 3 Zone file |
.zoo | Compressed file archive created by ZOO (zoo210.exe) |
.zpk | Z Firm Package file |
.zpl | Creative Zen Micro playlist |
.zst | ZSNES Slot 0 Savestate |
.ztd | Ziff Davis Media text database |
.zvd | Zyxel Voicefile (Z-Fax) |
.zvz | Possible Virus file |
.zxp | Extension Manager Package |
.zz | Zzip Compressed Archive file |
.zzt | ZZT Game Creation System |
File Extension | Description |